Low-cost fresh produce

Some fruits are on the cheaper end of the spectrum, and luckily for all citrus lovers out there, oranges tend to be one of those fruits. The average orange costs less than a dollar, per the USDA, making it a relatively accessible fruit even for those with tight grocery budgets.

Some people don't love oranges because they've only ever eaten them on their own, but there's much you can do with this citrus fruit.

Of course, you can always juice it and enjoy it at breakfast, but you can also add it to salads or use the juice to marinate chicken or pork.

Plus, if you're out of lemons and limes, it can add a touch of acidity to dishes that need it just expect it to add a bit of sweetness as well. We love berries, but that doesn't mean we can always afford them when we go to the grocery store.

If you're looking for a cheaper fruit option, you should add some bananas to your basket. They're among the least expensive types of produce you can buy, at just 51 cents a pound on average, per the USDA.

Bananas provide a decent amount of calories per serving, which is why a banana makes for an excellent quick breakfast on the go. Slice it up and add it to toast with peanut butter for a filling, complete meal to start your day.

Craving ice cream but don't want to spend extra money on a dessert? Use bananas to fulfill your cravings for sweets by freezing them, then blending them with some cocoa powder and honey or sugar.

The bananas will form a thick, ice cream-like texture that's hard not to love if you're already a fan of bananas. It's important to get plenty of green veggies on your plate, which means you want to fill your fridge with as much green as possible.

That can get expensive if you're mainly opting for kale and arugula, but there are green veggies out there that can stretch your dollar. Like so many of the veggies on this list, there's a lot you can do with celery. It's worth keeping some on hand just to have something to snack on with or without some peanut butter , but it's also a great addition to soups and chicken salads.

If you're looking for a way to add more crunch to your diet, or you're just looking for a refreshing veggie to liven up your meals, you can't go wrong by grabbing some celery.

Another cheap option for the fruit lovers out there is apples. The USDA says that apples are one of the lower-cost fruits out there. However, when you're shopping for apples, you should take a close look at the prices for each individual variety.

Some types of apples require more intensive farming practices than others, and some may have to be shipped from farther away, both of which can raise the price. However, in general, apples will be one of the cheaper fruits available in the produce section.

Apples aren't quite as cheap as bananas, but they're still relatively inexpensive, typically coming in at between one and two dollars per pound, per the USDA. Eat them on their own for a quick snack on the go, or add them to your oatmeal in the fall for some extra flavor. Don't forget to use them in apple-based pies like desserts and galettes as well.

If you're looking for cheaper produce at the grocery store, it may surprise you that honeydew melons tend to be on the less-expensive end of the spectrum. Of course, that comes with a caveat. While these melons are often packed with nutrients, they also won't provide the amount of calories that you'll get from other fruits, like bananas.

Regardless, most melons are budget produce, which is why there's nothing wrong with picking up some honeydew from the store every once in a while. On average, honeydews cost less than a dollar a pound, per the USDA, making them a seriously good — and refreshing — deal.

Cutting up some melon and eating it on its own makes for a healthy and cooling side dish, but that doesn't mean you can't combine your honeydew with other ingredients.

It's delicious as part of a fresh fruit salad, especially when it's combined with other types of melons. There are few vegetables as refreshing and hydrating as cucumber, which is why many people love to have some in the fridge, especially during the hottest months of the year.

Luckily, it doesn't cost much to keep it stocked in your kitchen, coming in at just 72 cents as of May , per the USDA. You're not going to find many other veggies for that price, so it's something you can always have around when you need your vegetable fix.

Wondering what to do with your cucumbers, besides slicing them up and eating them with salt? Customers pay for their produce, thereby allowing them the power and dignity to control their own food needs.

Each box also includes unique recipes, tips and nutrition notes to give recipients the encouragement to expand their knowledge, cook new things and eat healthier. Fresh Food Box Flyer. Need to reach us? Email us at: info foodsharesc.

Fresh Food Box. The researchers were nice enough to figure out the most affordable mix of fruits and veggies that meet MyPlate weekly vegetable sub-group recommendations for a family of four. The table below shows you what they came up with. This table is from the USDA publication The Cost of Satisfying Fruit and Vegetable Recommendations in the Dietary Guidelines.

NOTE: prices are from There are a lot of ways to keep your meals from getting boring by changing up how you cook the veggies or season them. Be sure to check out the recipes on our new website for inspiration. We even have a search function that you can use to find specific ingredients, like these low-cost fruits and veggies.

What other tips or questions do you have for getting enough fruits and veggies on a budget?

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By Tonris

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