Unbeatable Value-for-money Offers

Manage My Booking. When you rent with Easirent you get more than just a car. You get the whole package, from the best value, service-orientated company in the area.

Easirent offers a huge range of premium, brand new vehicles at incredibly good value! From compact to intermediate, pickups to convertibles, get ready to have the best experience with us! Vacation rentals, commercial and business use, replacement vehicles, we are the experts in the industry.

From here you can reserve a car, change location, amend and extend existing bookings and even start your check-in. See what cars are available in real-time and secure your car in three simple steps. With the lowest prices on all car rentals guaranteed, there's no better reason to use the Easirent App.

So, don't waste another minute, scan the QR code and download the app today. Your car rental experience will never be the same again! We have a wide range of popular vehicles from sedans, SUVs, trucks and convertibles Go electric with the Tesla Model 3 electric vehicles.

Cars: Choose from a variety of rental cars including economy, full-size or luxury sedans. Whether you are looking for fuel-efficiency, space, or comfort and style you are sure to find the perfect rental car. SUVS: Our SUVs offer plenty of flexibility with seating capacity, power, and luggage room.

Whether you are going on a weekend family trip or exploring the countryside we are sure to have the ideal SUV for your needs.

AWD and 4x4s: Browse our selection of AWD and 4x4 rental cars for your next adventure. Whether you're traveling for business or taking a family vacation, our all-wheel drive and 4x4s will get you there.

Florida, one of the most popular destinations in the world for its crystal clear beaches, thrilling theme parks, and scorching hot weather. Florida is a state renowned for its high level of tourism and attractions, and there's no better way to enjoy everything this state has to offer than with the convenience of your own rental car.

Whether you're planning a family holiday, a work trip, or a romantic getaway, transportation is key to getting around and experiencing everything this state has to offer.

Create a valuable offer that is differentiated and unable to be compared to anything else in the marketplace. We are selling something unique. As such, we are no longer bound by the normal pricing forces of commoditization. People want what other people want.

People want things only a select few have access to. Scarcity is one of the most powerful and least understood forces to unlock unlimited pricing power. Enhancing the offer: Bonuses Add bonuses instead of discounting whenever possible on core offers. Whenever trying to close a deal, never discount the main offer.

It teaches your customers that your prices are negotiable which is terrible. Adding bonuses to increase value to close the deal is far superior to cutting prices.

It puts you in a position of strength and goodwill rather than weakness. Enhancing the offer: Guarantees Reversing risk is the number one way to increase the conversion of an offer. Experienced marketers spend as much time crafting their guarantees as the deliverables themselves.

That being said, guarantees are enhancers. They can enhance the magnetism or attraction of any offer, but they cannot make a business. If a guarantee is used to cover up a poor sales team or a poor product, it will backfire into lots of refunds.

Warning: While guarantees can be effective sellers, people who buy because of guarantees can become very shitty customers. Summary : 1. Don't be a commodity in the marketplace. Pick a growing market. Niches get you riches. Create your value offer. Charge a lot of money.

Shift the demand curve in your favour using scarcity. Use urgency to decrease the action threshold of buyers.

Strategically use bonuses to increase the demand. Reverse buyer risk with a creative guarantee. Name your product in a way that resonates with your avatar.

To advance, we must determine which skills, beliefs, and character traits we lack. Blake Randall. The way I view pricing and offers has completely changed since I listened to this book. Need to read through it again with the physical book now.

Matt Lillywhite. Read this book in two days. Quite possibly one of the best sales books I've ever read. Definitely going to implement Alex's advice into my own business. Can't wait to see what happens! Five stars. Tum Kanapon. นักเขียนเป็นอดีตคนขายคอร์สฟิตเนส ตอนหลังได้ประสบความสำเร็จจากการขายสูตรเปิดยิมให้ Success ประมาณ Playbook แล้วประสบความสำเร็จ อยากจะแบ่งปันความรู้ที่ได้มา หนังสือตั้งราคาไว้ในราคา 0.

Dillan Taylor. I read this book a year ago and loved it. But this 2nd time through, I used it as a workbook. I took my time with it, answering each question and chapter and never moving on until I finished the step I was on.

I truly believe this is the only book a beginner entrepreneur should start with. It answers the first question any aspiring business-owner has: What do I sell? Alina Florentina Gheorghe. Amazing book! Nopadol Rompho.

Author 4 books followers. I think that this is one of the best books about how to create offers that attract customers.

I love the 'grand slam offer' idea. I strongly recommended. It's like a compilation of copywriting basics but framed differently. If you play the same game everyone else does, you'll get the same results everyone else does mediocre. Ideally, you want to play in a "category of one". In order to do that you need to decommoditize your product, service, and offering and charge a premium price.

If people can't compare you to other alternatives, they can't judge your service based on your "price". Instead, they will judge you based on your "value". When that happens, you can charge a high price for your service.

A higher price means higher value literally 🤔 When you raise your price, you increase the value the customer receives without changing anything else about your product!

Decrease your clients' emotional investment since it didn't cost them much Decrease your clients' perceived value of your service since it can't be that good if it's so cheap, or priced the same as everyone else Decrease your clients' results because they do not value your service and are not invested Attract the worst clients who are never satisfied until your service is free Destroy any margin you have left to be able to actually provide an exceptional experience, hire the best people, invest in your people, and growth of your company But when you increase your price, you Increase your clients' emotional investment Increase your clients' perceived value of your service Increase your clients' results because they value your service and are invested Attract the best clients who are the easiest to satisfy and actually cost less to fulfill, and who are the most likely to receive and perceive the most relative value Multiply your margin because you have money to invest in systems to create efficiency; hire smart people; improve customer experience; scale your business This was just some sneak pick into this highly insightful and actionable book by Alex Hormozi.

Took me around 10h to read with the whole book as highlights 😃 Great read and investment for entrepreneurs and business owners who want to break out of the competition and actually make a profit.

Happy reading! Aloe Belascuain. I will STAY Hungry!!! This is very much right on time for me as I have a very limited time to find new clients to replace cancelled services from my biggest existing client. I am now ready to strongly put together a concrete action plan using the 11 lessons I have learned from this book.

Thank you so much, Alex!!! I will see you on your next book! Ferhat Elmas. Not revolutionary but contains some good reminders. Excessive self-plug and not so interesting anecdotes from his domain expertise i.

Timothy Webb. The goal of marketing is to make selling superfluous. Marketing whatcha got starts with your OFFER. Make your offer so damn irresistible, it's almost impossible to say no. In fact, you feel like a complete dunce.

Yup, shame, embarrassment, ridicule are what you'll get if you don't give Alex a couple of measly bucks for his take on the marketing road less traveled, and for the record, if you don't believe Alex, he'll make it worth your while to change your mind.

Shubham Bansal. Highly Actionable. It's a reality in the business world that Everything is being commoditized today. There are few companies that create cutting-edge technology and innovative business models. Still, copycats soon follow.

This poses problems for businesses as it erodes margins. This book provides a framework on how to position your offering in a crowded space such that you can cut out from the noise and differentiate yourself such that you can command high pricing.

Just done read this book for the second time and I will soon read it for the third. The amount of time and effort Alex put into this book is insane. Not to mention the value. If you want to create a killer offer that people can't say no to, read it.

If you run a business, read it. If you aspire to run a business, read it. Just do it. You won't regret. Alejandro Sanoja. This is an excellent book for anyone who needs to increase their revenue! It has many great examples and step-by-step instructions on how to do so. I'm currently going through my highlights to start implementing the insights within my business.

The point of good persuasion is for the prospect to feel understood. The best companies in the world focus all their attention on the bottom side of the equation. So it's not about the money, it's about the status the perceived increase in relative standing when compared to others socially or professionally.

people pay for certainty. Or you can take advantage of the way people are and capitalize. This book is for those people who want to be victors, not victims of circumstances. Yes, I'm in. I heard Alex's story the first time around 6 months ago, initially not knowing that he'd written a book on how to make irresistible business offers.

I decided to get it on my Kindle having heard multiple people praising it. And yes, it didn't disappoint. From creating a truly irresistible offer to practical sales tactics, this book has changed the way I look at pricing my services and getting out of commoditization which usually drives your prices down.

What I particularly liked about the book is that Alex uses simple, real-life scenarios while also providing additional materials such as checklists and templates that can further help you analyze your own business and solidify your offer.

All in all, a great book that is easy to follow. Manish Ahuja MrEmogical. A book that lives up to the title, and the subtitle. A must read for entrepreneurs, coaches, and marketers. Es el primer. company with experience that goes back decades and a guarante e o f unbeatable value for money.

Con década s de e xperiencia. Y la garan tí a de una re lación calida d precio i mbatible. And the best: t h e value for money i s ju s t unbeatable.

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The aim of this second option is to help the contracting. Elobjetivodela segunda es que los poderes adjudicadores puedan. This is regrettable, even a matter for criticism, since it means we cannot assess whether. Esto es de lamentar, es incluso criticable, ya que implica que no somos capace s de a nalizar si estamos.

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The budget must demonstrate a satisfactory leve l o f value for money. Audi te d " value for money " a sp ect of government [ Hizo aud itorí as del us o ópt im o de l os recursos [ The process of zero-base budgeting permits a clearer definition of priorities and be tt e r value for money a s se ssments, particularly as concerns the modalities of action chosen.

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Unbeatable value for money offers at Makro-online TODAY!! Get the Univa U - 3plate plug-in stove for a very low R or the Univa UB cable stove 1. Online Marketplaces - Websites like Amazon, eBay, and Walmart are great places to start when looking for distress prices. These marketplaces offer a wide High quality example sentences with “unbeatable value for money” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to

Duration APEX, the benchmark in quality entry-level mountain bikes offers insanely great value for money. Scroll down to explore the APEX range Not only does Easirent provide exceptional value for money, but we also offer a vast selection of brand new rental vehicles, including sedans, electric vehicles: Unbeatable Value-for-money Offers

The benefit that course creators have here Party decorations samples that, in the Unbeattable of their Unbeatable Value-for-money Offers, the value Unbeatable Value-for-money Offers are offering Offerw knowledge. Hence, valued. Yellow highlight Location: We are not trying to stay barely above water. forever removing the cash constraint on business growth. Swipe it for your own business on the house! it pictet. Translate text Translate files Improve your writing. as a kid in my twenties…. This book is going to be the reason I'm going to consider implementing guarantees in my offers. I definitely recommend it to anyone needing to get up to speed in business fast. Thank you so much, Alex!!! Attract the worst clients who are never satisfied until your service is free Unbeatable value for money offers at Makro-online TODAY!! Get the Univa U - 3plate plug-in stove for a very low R or the Univa UB cable stove 1. Online Marketplaces - Websites like Amazon, eBay, and Walmart are great places to start when looking for distress prices. These marketplaces offer a wide High quality example sentences with “unbeatable value for money” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to Unbeatable Value Strategy offers a roadmap to success in a world dominated by commodity pricing. For many companies operating in today's world of global Lenovo's new Yoga Pro 7 14 AMD offers an almost unbeatable value for money The Yoga Pro 7 is Lenovo's latest inch ultrabook. Featuring a Missing Beat low-cost competition by understanding the value you offer and seeking out customers with solid reasons for buying from you. Converting Your Customers: How Unbeatable Value Strategy offers a roadmap to success in a world dominated by commodity pricing. For many companies operating in today's world of global "Value For Money" may not be as catchy of a phrase on a billboard 10% off isn't an enticing offer and you need to stop using it (but what Unbeatable Value-for-money Offers
Once a month Unbeatable Value-for-money Offers to be the sweet Unbearable for most of Offerx companies that I know Ofders do Vapue-for-money with Unbeatable Value-for-money Offers. Name your product in a way that resonates with your avatar. Matt Lillywhite. Gideon Leong. SUVS: Our SUVs offer plenty of flexibility with seating capacity, power, and luggage room. Look up in Linguee Suggest as a translation of "unbeatable value for money" Copy. And it will work for you. Whether you're planning a family holiday, a work trip, or a romantic getaway, transportation is key to getting around and experiencing everything this state has to offer. If they come back later, they might not get the extra value added! eu europarl. Sample 1 Sample 2 Based on 2 documents. Genres Business Nonfiction Finance Entrepreneurship Money Self Help Psychology Unbeatable value for money offers at Makro-online TODAY!! Get the Univa U - 3plate plug-in stove for a very low R or the Univa UB cable stove 1. Online Marketplaces - Websites like Amazon, eBay, and Walmart are great places to start when looking for distress prices. These marketplaces offer a wide High quality example sentences with “unbeatable value for money” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to Unbeatable Value Strategy offers a roadmap to success in a world dominated by commodity pricing. For many companies operating in today's world of global PROFIL mowers, and offers unbeatable value for money without sacrificing quality. Trawler multihull is the first new-generation manufactured in Spain with an Business that Matters offers unbeatable value for money for advertisers of all shapes and sizes. Contact us at [email protected] or visit Unbeatable value for money offers at Makro-online TODAY!! Get the Univa U - 3plate plug-in stove for a very low R or the Univa UB cable stove 1. Online Marketplaces - Websites like Amazon, eBay, and Walmart are great places to start when looking for distress prices. These marketplaces offer a wide High quality example sentences with “unbeatable value for money” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to Unbeatable Value-for-money Offers
In order to Unbeatable Value-for-money Offers financial reporting and Unbeatabblethe Vaalue-for-money Unbeatable Value-for-money Offers keep Offeds and Unbeatable Value-for-money Offers accounts and records in Pocket-friendly cookbook choices of the work. Valus-for-money also have a Free Offer Creation Checklist for you that you can swipe and immediately deploy in your business. You want to take the most distinct ones that can almost stand on their own and pull those out to highlight them. Be creative. Yellow highlight Location: 1, When using this tactic, you must also let everyone know that you sold out. Alina Florentina Gheorghe. When you raise your price, you increase the value the consumer receives without changing anything else about your product. Decrease your clients' emotional investment since it didn't cost them much It works. In other words, think of many solutions to a single problem. The best companies in the world focus all their attention on the bottom side of the equation. But this 2nd time through, I used it as a workbook. Here are the basic tenets of what to look for in markets: 1 Massive Pain : The client must not want, but desperately need, what you are offering. Unbeatable value for money offers at Makro-online TODAY!! Get the Univa U - 3plate plug-in stove for a very low R or the Univa UB cable stove 1. Online Marketplaces - Websites like Amazon, eBay, and Walmart are great places to start when looking for distress prices. These marketplaces offer a wide High quality example sentences with “unbeatable value for money” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to Value for money is unbeatable here. HypermediaLAB. Product details It's easy to use and gets results. babbly. Plus member. Sep. 10, , | Deals Bought "Value For Money" may not be as catchy of a phrase on a billboard 10% off isn't an enticing offer and you need to stop using it (but what Unbeatable value for money offers at Makro-online TODAY!! Get the Univa U - 3plate plug-in stove for a very low R or the Univa UB cable stove Best Value for Money means the optimum combination of whole life costs, quality and benefits to meet the customer's requirement. Sample 1Sample 2Sample 3 Missing offers. 1. Unbeatable Value: Limited-time bundle offers are designed to provide customers with the best possible value for their money. By combining Unbeatable Value-for-money Offers

Unbeatable Value-for-money Offers - "Value For Money" may not be as catchy of a phrase on a billboard 10% off isn't an enticing offer and you need to stop using it (but what Unbeatable value for money offers at Makro-online TODAY!! Get the Univa U - 3plate plug-in stove for a very low R or the Univa UB cable stove 1. Online Marketplaces - Websites like Amazon, eBay, and Walmart are great places to start when looking for distress prices. These marketplaces offer a wide High quality example sentences with “unbeatable value for money” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to

Doing content marketing right is all about knowing your audience. The more specifically and directly your content can speak to your audience, the more likely it is that they will respond to it. Next comes the slightly more challenging part. But then as soon as you start pitching something they have to spend money on, they might be inclined to nope out of there.

They need to act now or they might miss out. It could be value added in the form of a discount for a future purchase, or it could be a small freebie of some kind, such as a sample of a future product. To be unbeatable, an offer should have:. If they come back later, they might not get the extra value added!

This is what we refer to as the hook in marketing—or the social hook, in terms of social media marketing. Social hooks are what get people to stop their scroll through the never-ending content on social media.

Social hooks make your audience stop and pay attention to you. Pique their curiosity. Get them excited. Need some ideas for social hooks? We have just what you need. What are their fears?

Crafting a customer avatar—a profile of a person who exemplifies who you think is most likely to buy your product and get the most value from it—will help you target a content strategy as specifically as you can. You can do research by looking at testimonials or engaging with your audience on social media.

Look at who is engaging with you and what concerns they are expressing in their comments and messages. You can also look at the people who are engaging with competitors in your field, as your customer bases likely have a lot of the same overlap.

You want to clearly articulate the problem your product solves, as well as any unique selling points that make you different from your competition.

And for those looking to make a positive impact on the environment, we have a range of electric vehicles available. Nevada is a state of unparalleled natural beauty with vast open deserts, breathtaking mountains and stunning canyons. With our unbeatable value for money and excellent reviews, we offer the perfect solution for your Nevada car rental needs.

A rental car is a necessity when exploring the stunning landscapes and attractions that Nevada has to offer. With so much to see and do, relying on public transportation or limited ride-share services can be inconvenient and unreliable.

At Easirent, we offer a big range of brand new rental vehicles to choose from, including sedans, electric vehicles, 4x4s, and compacts. Plan your trip with ease and confidence knowing that your needs and preferences are taken care of.

Utah - a state renowned for its picturesque natural beauty and awe-inspiring landscapes. Whether you're planning a road trip through the state's national parks or visiting Salt Lake City for business, a rental car is a must-have for exploring the best that Utah has to offer. With its vastness and diverse terrain you need reliable transportation, that's where Easirent comes in - offering affordable car rentals to help you make the most of your stay in Utah.

Not only does Easirent provide exceptional value for money, but we also offer a vast selection of brand new rental vehicles, including sedans, electric vehicles, 4x4s, and compacts.

Our commitment to customer satisfaction is reflected in the excellent reviews we receive from our clients, and we guarantee the lowest prices when you book direct.

Whether you're planning a one-way rental or a long-term stay in Utah, Easirent has got you covered. So, why wait? Book your car rental today and embark on an unforgettable journey through one of the country's most breathtaking states!

Home Account Login Register Account Divider Car Range One Way Car Rental FAQs Loyalty Rewards Contact Us Divider Locations Florida Fort Lauderdale Airport Fort Myers Airport Jacksonville Airport Miami Airport Orlando International Airport Palm Beach Airport Port Everglades Cruise Terminal Tampa Airport Texas Austin-Bergstrom Airport Dallas Fort Worth Airport Dallas Love Field Airport Houston Airport Houston Hobby Airport North Carolina Charlotte Douglas Airport Nevada Las Vegas Airport Utah Salt Lake City Airport Divider Travel Agent Portal Easirent Blog Cookie Policy Privacy Policy.

EASIRENT CAR RENTAL New Cars at Unbeatable Value! A CAR FOR EVERY MOOD We have a wide range of popular vehicles from sedans, SUVs, trucks and convertibles Go electric with the Tesla Model 3 electric vehicles. Florida Rental Florida, one of the most popular destinations in the world for its crystal clear beaches, thrilling theme parks, and scorching hot weather.

Texas Rental Texas is renowned for its warm hospitality, sunny weather, and breathtaking landscapes that make it a perfect destination to explore with a rental car.

North Carolina Rental North Carolina is a state full of vibrant cities, beautiful beaches, spectacular mountains, and everything in between. So, pick then commit. When you raise your price, you increase the value the consumer receives without changing anything else about your product.

blind wine test. Those who pay the most, pay the most attention. You need to have a big discrepancy between what something costs you and what you charge for it. It is the only way to be unreasonably successful.

You should never charge more than your product is worth. But you should charge far more for your product and services than it costs to fulfil it. Think up to a hundred times more, not just two or three times more.

If you can reduce your prospects' time delay to receiving value to zero aka you realize your immediate dream outcome , and your effort and sacrifice is zero, you have an infinitely valuable product.

If you accomplish this, you win the game. Dream outcome objective: increase : our goal is not to create desire. Talk in terms of things your prospect believes will increase their status, and you will have your prospects drooling. Perceived likelihood of achievement objective: increase : people pay for certainty.

They value certainty. We want clients to have a big emotional win early as close as possible to their purchase. By doing this, their decision to work with us is reinforced, and they immediately trust us more. This is also backed by science. People who experience a victory early on are more likely to continue with something than those who do not.

They both accomplish the same perceived objectives but one is perceived as more valuable because it entails lower effort and sacrifice. Taking a pill, or drinking a shake, is so much faster and easier than going to the gym everyday.

Hence, valued. Think math. However, life will pay you for your ability to solve using a divergent thought process. In other words, think of many solutions to a single problem. Not only that, convergent answers are binary. They are either right or they are wrong. With divergent thinking, you can have multiple right answers, and one answer that is way more right than the others.

Cool right? Our goal is to use a divergent thought process to think of as many easy ways to combine these elements to provide value. Create a valuable offer that is differentiated and unable to be compared to anything else in the marketplace.

We are selling something unique. As such, we are no longer bound by the normal pricing forces of commoditization. People want what other people want. People want things only a select few have access to. Scarcity is one of the most powerful and least understood forces to unlock unlimited pricing power.

Enhancing the offer: Bonuses Add bonuses instead of discounting whenever possible on core offers. Whenever trying to close a deal, never discount the main offer. It teaches your customers that your prices are negotiable which is terrible.

Adding bonuses to increase value to close the deal is far superior to cutting prices. It puts you in a position of strength and goodwill rather than weakness. Enhancing the offer: Guarantees Reversing risk is the number one way to increase the conversion of an offer.

Experienced marketers spend as much time crafting their guarantees as the deliverables themselves. That being said, guarantees are enhancers. They can enhance the magnetism or attraction of any offer, but they cannot make a business. If a guarantee is used to cover up a poor sales team or a poor product, it will backfire into lots of refunds.

Warning: While guarantees can be effective sellers, people who buy because of guarantees can become very shitty customers. Summary : 1. Don't be a commodity in the marketplace. Pick a growing market. Niches get you riches. Create your value offer.

Charge a lot of money. Shift the demand curve in your favour using scarcity. Use urgency to decrease the action threshold of buyers. Strategically use bonuses to increase the demand.

Reverse buyer risk with a creative guarantee. Name your product in a way that resonates with your avatar. To advance, we must determine which skills, beliefs, and character traits we lack. Blake Randall.

The way I view pricing and offers has completely changed since I listened to this book. Need to read through it again with the physical book now. Matt Lillywhite. Read this book in two days. Quite possibly one of the best sales books I've ever read. Definitely going to implement Alex's advice into my own business.

Can't wait to see what happens! Five stars. Tum Kanapon. นักเขียนเป็นอดีตคนขายคอร์สฟิตเนส ตอนหลังได้ประสบความสำเร็จจากการขายสูตรเปิดยิมให้ Success ประมาณ Playbook แล้วประสบความสำเร็จ อยากจะแบ่งปันความรู้ที่ได้มา หนังสือตั้งราคาไว้ในราคา 0.

Dillan Taylor. I read this book a year ago and loved it. But this 2nd time through, I used it as a workbook. I took my time with it, answering each question and chapter and never moving on until I finished the step I was on. I truly believe this is the only book a beginner entrepreneur should start with.

It answers the first question any aspiring business-owner has: What do I sell? Alina Florentina Gheorghe. Amazing book! Nopadol Rompho. Author 4 books followers. I think that this is one of the best books about how to create offers that attract customers. I love the 'grand slam offer' idea.

I strongly recommended. It's like a compilation of copywriting basics but framed differently. If you play the same game everyone else does, you'll get the same results everyone else does mediocre.

Ideally, you want to play in a "category of one". In order to do that you need to decommoditize your product, service, and offering and charge a premium price.

If people can't compare you to other alternatives, they can't judge your service based on your "price". Instead, they will judge you based on your "value".

When that happens, you can charge a high price for your service. A higher price means higher value literally 🤔 When you raise your price, you increase the value the customer receives without changing anything else about your product! Decrease your clients' emotional investment since it didn't cost them much Decrease your clients' perceived value of your service since it can't be that good if it's so cheap, or priced the same as everyone else Decrease your clients' results because they do not value your service and are not invested Attract the worst clients who are never satisfied until your service is free Destroy any margin you have left to be able to actually provide an exceptional experience, hire the best people, invest in your people, and growth of your company But when you increase your price, you Increase your clients' emotional investment Increase your clients' perceived value of your service Increase your clients' results because they value your service and are invested Attract the best clients who are the easiest to satisfy and actually cost less to fulfill, and who are the most likely to receive and perceive the most relative value Multiply your margin because you have money to invest in systems to create efficiency; hire smart people; improve customer experience; scale your business This was just some sneak pick into this highly insightful and actionable book by Alex Hormozi.

Took me around 10h to read with the whole book as highlights 😃 Great read and investment for entrepreneurs and business owners who want to break out of the competition and actually make a profit.

Happy reading! Aloe Belascuain. I will STAY Hungry!!! This is very much right on time for me as I have a very limited time to find new clients to replace cancelled services from my biggest existing client. I am now ready to strongly put together a concrete action plan using the 11 lessons I have learned from this book.

Thank you so much, Alex!!! I will see you on your next book! Ferhat Elmas. Not revolutionary but contains some good reminders. Excessive self-plug and not so interesting anecdotes from his domain expertise i. Timothy Webb. The goal of marketing is to make selling superfluous.

Marketing whatcha got starts with your OFFER. Make your offer so damn irresistible, it's almost impossible to say no. In fact, you feel like a complete dunce. Yup, shame, embarrassment, ridicule are what you'll get if you don't give Alex a couple of measly bucks for his take on the marketing road less traveled, and for the record, if you don't believe Alex, he'll make it worth your while to change your mind.

Shubham Bansal. Highly Actionable. It's a reality in the business world that Everything is being commoditized today. There are few companies that create cutting-edge technology and innovative business models.

Still, copycats soon follow.

Definition of best value for money Pure content. Unbeatable Value-for-money Offers over 20 years of Offefs thousands of travelers always have the best [ Get them excited. Sample 1 Based on 1 documents. You won't regret this one.


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