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Free sample campaigns

Fitness expert and trainer Lita Lewis did just that in this email, where she reconnects with her subscribers and informs them about her upcoming app.

Did you see that? Did you see it move? Pretty cool, right? It also leverages exclusivity by telling us that the promotion is a benefit of having a Starbucks membership. Love it. Emails can get static, boring, and impersonal.

This email subverts the expectations of a dreary, text-heavy newsletter without going overboard, and the focus on exclusivity makes it especially interesting.

Venmo makes an effort to reengage lost users with this friendly, informational email. By highlighting their app's most recent changes and benefits, the copy works to entice recipients to give the app another chance.

The email might turn me away if it took the choice out of my hands and crammed information about new features into a text-heavy email. I also love the branded imagery and engaging graphics. This email from Litmus is another great example of using animation to create a more interesting marketing email.

The header also does an excellent job of explicitly stating what the email is about, leaving no room for confusion. The animation is subtle, and it's executed in a way that serves to enhance the email's body copy. Even better, it works well with the design of the email, creating a matching but contrasting focal point before diving into the rest of the email copy.

This email from Loft demonstrates its understanding of consumers' overwhelming, crowded, and mixed-value inboxes. It wants to make sure you receive emails you actually want to open, and asks you to update your preferences to deliver a more personalized experience.

This is a customer-focused email, effectively making the recipient feel like their likes, dislikes, and opinions matter.

I think this email from UncommonGoods expertly creates a sense of urgency by focusing on the value of acting now but in a more palatable and less demanding way.

I always appreciate DAVIDsTEA email marketing, and they continuously deliver, especially with this cheeky re-engagement campaign. The copy is also bursting with friendly personalized.

In-depth research on how to create a revenue-driving newsletter. Personalization is the winning factor in this email. From the timing birthday to the personalized salutation, this email was sent to the right person at the right time. I also love the image of the team, making it feel even more personable.

If you want to strengthen your relationship with your existing customers, consider setting up a quick email like this to let them know you're thinking of them.

That's quite powerful, wouldn't you agree? Appealing to this consumer value is a great way to inspire customers to take action with your business to support an important cause. People want to be part of something that makes a difference, and this email aims to motivate them.

Crew Factory understands this struggle and created the email above to tell me and the rest of the community incapable of pulling off Pinterest-worthy wrap jobs that we have other options: gift cards. The email does an incredible job at lowering the purchasing barrier in two ways: telling me about the two different ways to pick up a gift card in store or online , and a map to the nearest store location if I decide to make an in person visit.

Both of these inclusions align with the overall intent of the email: reducing stress. Crew combines humor with a low-stress, low-friction solution to a gifting struggle that many people have.

I also love the image of a shoddily wrapped gift, signaling how much easier it is to buy a gift card — no wrapping required. These are the automated emails you get after taking action with a business, which can be anything from filling out a form to purchasing a product.

Often, these are plain text emails that marketers set and forget. The project timeline and accompanying table are a unique way for charity: water to keep audiences engaged and display their actions' impact on the organization and community it serves. The email stays top-of-mind and increases future participation.

The beauty of Uber's emails is in their simplicity. Email subscribers are alerted to deals and promotions with emails like this one. I love how brief the initial description is, and it's paired with a very clear CTA — perfect for users that are quickly skimming the email.

If you want to learn more about the offer, the header is followed by a more detailed but still pleasingly simple explanation of the ease and benefits of the Uber Rent Valet promotion.

All communications and marketing assets tell a brand's story — and brand consistency is one tactic Uber nails to gain brand loyalty. This email demonstrates the usual Uber colors and imagery, while making the value proposition clear. I also love how consistent the design of Uber's emails is with its brand.

Like its app, website, social media photos, and other visual branding, the emails are represented by its black-and-white palette and custom font. I love TheSkimm's daily newsletter — especially its clean design and its short, punchy paragraphs.

But newsletters aren't TheSkimm's only strength when it comes to email. This subscriber engagement email rewards a subscriber for being subscribed for several years. It includes the date they signed up, the number of mornings spent together, and time spent reading the newsletter — talk about a high level of personalization!

Emails triggered by milestones, like anniversaries and birthdays, are fun to get — who doesn't like to celebrate a special occasion? The beauty of anniversary emails, in particular, is that they can work for a variety of senders.

If your business stores subscriber data, you can simply customize the email to each subscriber with the data you already have. Think you know all about the people who are reading your marketing emails? How much of what you "know" about them is based on assumptions?

The strongest buyer personas are based on insights you gather from your actual readership through surveys, interviews, and so on — in addition to market research.

The image above is an example of an email Lindsay Kolowich Cox, former Marketing Manager at HubSpot, received from the brand. It reads like an email from a friend or colleague asking for a quick favor. Not only was this initial email great, but Matt actually responded to Kolowich Coxs' answers — and his reply was even better.

She said, "Within a few days of responding to the questionnaire, I received a long and detailed personal email from Matt thanking me for filling out the questionnaire and offering a ton of helpful advice and links to resources specifically catered to my answers.

I was very impressed by his business acumen, communication skills, and obvious dedication to his readers. The subject line of this email from beauty product subscription service Birchbox got my colleague Pam Vaughan clicking. It read: "We Forgot Something in Your February Box! This is an excellent co-marketing partnership email.

As it turned out, the discount code was actually a bonus promo for Rent the Runway, a dress rental company that likely fits the interest profile of most Birchbox customers — which certainly didn't disappoint.

It gained her attention and delivered some unexpected delight. I also love how frills-free it is — the message is mostly text, making it feel like an email one would receive from a friend. I have to say, I'm a sucker for GIFs. They're easy to consume, they catch your eye, and they have an emotional impact — like the fun GIF in one of Postmates' emails that's not only delightful to watch, but also makes you crave some delicious Chipotle.

You, too, can use animated GIFs in your marketing to show a fun header, draw people's eyes to a certain part of the email, or display your products and services in action. It centers the product in a fun, attractive way.

Not only that, but it effectively catches my eye, differentiating the message from others in my inbox. But Dropbox found a way to make its "Try out one of our products! Plus, the email remains short and sweet, emphasizing the message that Dropbox didn't want to intrude — it just wants to remind the recipient that Dropbox Paper exists and why it could be helpful.

When sending these types of emails, you might include an incentive for recipients to try out one of your specific products, like a limited-time coupon or a free trial. Every week, the folks at InVision send a roundup of their best blog content, their favorite design links from the week, and a new opportunity to win a free t-shirt.

They give away a new design every week. It also sometimes has fun survey questions to crowdsource for its blog. For example, one week, it asked subscribers what they would do if the internet didn't exist. Not only is InVision's newsletter a great mix of content, but I also love the nice balance between images and text, making it easy to read and mobile-friendly.

The balance is especially important because its newsletters are so long. If it as text-heavy the risk of losing attention increases significantly. Each message features three distinct sections: one for ingredients, one for instructions, and one for additional recipes.

we have a question for you. I love the simple, guilt-free messaging here, from the endearing egg images to the great CTA button copy. Not only is the design and copy top-notch, but I applaud the folks at Cuisinart for sending automated unsubscribe emails in the first place. It's smart to purge your subscriber lists of folks who aren't opening your email lists, because low open rates can seriously hurt email deliverability.

The button copy is a pattern interrupt that will prompts recipients to pause and think about which action they want to take: Customize their preferences or completely unsubscribe. When you think of "holiday email marketing," your mind might jump straight to Christmas, but there are other holidays sprinkled throughout the rest of the year that you can create campaigns around.

Download these email marketing planning templates to keep yourself organized throughout the year. Take this email from Paperless Post, for example. Then, the subheader prompts the recipient to use Paperless Post to invite friends and colleagues for a drink.

Below this copy, the simple grid design is both easy to scan and quite visually appealing. Each button is a CTA in and of itself — click on any one of them, and you'll be taken to a purchase page.

Many of us tend to listen to podcast episodes from the same few shows instead of branching out. This email makes quite brilliant use of responsive design.

As humans, we tend to crave personalized experiences. You might even feel like the company sending you the email knows you in some way, and that it cares about your preferences and making you happy.

Internet providers and bad weather are natural enemies. You'd think telecommunications companies wouldn't want to call attention to storm-induced power outages — the one thing that sets off customers' impatience.

Then, there's RCN. RCN, a cable and wireless internet service, turned this email marketing campaign into a weather forecast just for its customers.

This "storm update" got the company out ahead of an event threatening its service, while allowing its users to get the weather updates they need from their Wi-Fi provider. The email even advises personal safety — a nice touch of care to go with the promise of responsive service.

It simply offers an update. No promoting, no selling. The recipient's best interests are in mind, and they're setting expectations for something that they may imminently care about.

At the bottom of the email, RCN also took the opportunity to highlight its social media channels, advising customers of another way to stay informed of network outages on channels they may check more than email.

I'm a huge advocate of thought leadership. Some of the best companies gain customer loyalty by becoming the go-to source for expertise on a given topic. Further down in the email, the details of the course are laid out, giving potential students a breakdown of what they can expect to learn.

The language is friendly, succinct, and persuasive. The email uses a friendly tone and a sense of urgency to entice customers to purchase the course. It harnesses the power of social proof to give an added layer of credibility.

When Desiree Linden won the Boston Marathon, she became the first American woman to win the race in more than 30 years. To her shoe and apparel sponsor, Brooks Sports, it was an opportunity to celebrate their long partnership together.

The resulting email campaign focuses almost entirely on the Olympic marathoner's amazing accomplishment. Email campaigns like this one allow companies to demonstrate their loyalties and add value to the products their best users have chosen.

Not pictured is a blue CTA button at the bottom of the email that reads, "See Desiree's go-to gear. After Desiree's victory, everyone knew her name.

Brooks Sports struck while the iron was hot with a proud email that was sure to be opened and forwarded. What better products to call attention to than the stuff worn by one of America's legends?

I love this email from Etsy. Specifically, how to fine-tune your marketing strategy. For example, product samples that never get claimed or talked about might be worth phasing out. On the flip side, your popular samples can highlight what people like the most about your brand.

This illustrates yet another benefit of influencer gifting. When creators post about your product, you can earn authentic and unfiltered feedback.

Note which products and qualities ex: materials, ingredients, features they shout out. Then, emphasize those strengths in your future marketing campaigns. Source: melissaamaakeup. Without getting too scientific, reciprocity occurs when a brand gives a consumer a free sample.

The use of reciprocity in marketing is well-documented. Think about how Costco has made sampling such an important part of the shopping experience for members. Well, product sampling campaigns online have the same effect. When you mail out a sample of your product, you trigger the reciprocity effect.

This increases the chances that recipients become buyers. When you offer an in-person sample, people only get a narrow and limited understanding of your product. For example, a customer might try a perfume sample in the store. When you offer an in-home sample, people get a chance to use your product as they would if they bought it.

This creates a much-needed sense of reassurance. Also, consider how some product sampling campaigns offer a taste of your checkout experience. This is another way to get new customers familiar with your brand and products.

The more time people get to spend engaging with your brand, the more comfortable they are with you. If nothing else, social media product sampling is a brilliant way to get more user-generated content. This includes customer photos and videos, reviews and more.

Source: lewendyy. Real-life product reviews and visual content are among the most important factors that drive purchase intent. You can earn both at the same time by offering samples. Whether you can realistically build your own program depends on a few key factors, though.

On a high level, brainstorm whether or not your brand has the following:. Note: for companies with limited resources but time to spare, small-scale gifting campaigns are an option.

The process of engaging with creators one-on-one to send products is still time-consuming. Still, this method is more manageable than trying to ship out dozens or hundreds of samples at once. Sampling should be treated like any other marketing tactic. Without getting too much into the nitty-gritty, below is a quick rundown of what needs to be done:.

Offering samples of your products is a proven way to engage interested buyers and build brand loyalty. Anything you can do to make a strong first impression on shoppers is a plus. Combined with strategies like influencer marketing, brands can cover more ground and introduce their products to relevant audiences at scale.

If you're struggling to maximize your influencer marketing strategy in-house, Statusphere can help. Unlike other platforms, we help brands earn guaranteed content.

Statusphere also eliminates the most time-consuming pieces of working with influencers in-house thanks to our advanced matchmaking and fulfillment technology. Want to see how our platform works? Sampling is about more than sending freebies.

These creative product sampling ideas illustrate how brands can go above and beyond to delight Traditional product sampling during COVID can be a little tricky.

Here are 8 virtual product sampling ideas broken up by industry to try instead! There are many different avenues you can take as a brand, but have you considered how a product sampling program can supplement your marketing Be the first to know about all things Influencer Marketing to build or refine your strategy with the latest tools and trends.

Kristen Wiley Mar 20, Beauty Brand Marketing Food Brand Marketing Product Sampling Programs Lifestyle Brand Marketing. Product sampling is a tried-and-tested marketing tactic for brands. Heck, free samples have been working to win customers for over a century. Talk about old school!

Skip to Section 👇 5 Popular Types of Product Sampling Campaigns and Programs Why Product Sampling Marketing is So Effective for Brands What Should Brands Consider Before Offering Samples? This article was first published in July It was last updated March 20, Similar posts.

Beauty Brand Marketing 7 Creative Product Sampling Ideas and Examples for Brands Sampling is about more than sending freebies.

Cindy Guthrie Jul 17, Beauty Brand Marketing 8 Virtual Product Sampling Ideas Traditional product sampling during COVID can be a little tricky. Kristen Wiley Dec 16, Beauty Brand Marketing How to Put Together a Product Sampling Program There are many different avenues you can take as a brand, but have you considered how a product sampling program can supplement your marketing Kristen Wiley Sep 22,

Ways to Offer Free Samples · Go to Catalog → Products in your Ecwid admin panel and click +Add New Product. · Enter the name, description, and other product Free sample marketing is one way you can draw in customers. By giving away free samples of your products or services, people can get a taste Yves Roches, Sephora, Aesop and many other brands have come up with a good beauty products sampling idea. They give away free samples every time

6 Iconic Product Sampling Campaigns

SkinCeuticals Serum offers free beauty samples to people who want to try their products. It's a great way to test before purchasing, although samples can run Look no further than these seven examples for inspiration for your next social media campaign. Cheetos' Snap to Steal Snapchat campaign Not to fear, though, I'm about to go over 30 high-quality email marketing examples for you to use as inspiration when designing your emails: Free sample campaigns

After completing cam;aigns quiz, customers can choose Campzigns to five frames Thrifty grocery promotions are delivered right to their homes, where they can Low-cost Grab-and-Go Snacks them for five days. US behemoth Eample, for example, campagns an ssample free sample policy. Yves Rochesfor example, gives a gift to its customers on their birthday. For example, think of an ice cream shop that gives out little sample spoons of flavors to try before customers buy. In some cases, you can collaborate with the event management team and run your product sampling campaign at a lower cost and without sponsoring the whole event. As noted earlier, this is common with high-ticket purchases. In the hopes that maybe the consumer will buy it later, subscribe, or become a loyalty member. This is particularly relevant to both the food and drink and health and beauty industries; consumers are more likely to buy your product if they know what they are getting. They later tweeted a photo of the new packaging of Cuthbert: in a box with jail-cell bars. Instead, use your ecommerce tool , CRM , or CMS to find behavioral and purchasing data before launching a targeted campaign. Or get in touch below to see how Bazaarvoice can help you get started. When should you launch a product sampling campaign? The key to this type of all-in campaign, though, is a variety of content, not just reposting the same thing over and over again or cross-posting identical content on every channel. Ways to Offer Free Samples · Go to Catalog → Products in your Ecwid admin panel and click +Add New Product. · Enter the name, description, and other product Free sample marketing is one way you can draw in customers. By giving away free samples of your products or services, people can get a taste Yves Roches, Sephora, Aesop and many other brands have come up with a good beauty products sampling idea. They give away free samples every time SkinCeuticals Serum offers free beauty samples to people who want to try their products. It's a great way to test before purchasing, although samples can run Part of this product sampling strategy is known as insert sampling as customers can get free gifts with their online purchases when Sephora marketing campaigns. Los Angeles Walmart has been working with brands to build its ad business, which includes online ads and free samples Learn from these 5 examples of famous brands that achieved amazing results with their creative product sampling campaigns Free sample marketing gives products or services away to prospective customers. It is especially effective in the health, beauty, food There are tons of sampling 'communities' and 'freebie clubs' that people join often with the express wish of receiving lots of free samples Free sample campaigns
Of course, the goal is to get those creators to post about Cut-price restaurant offers brand on social media. Free sample campaigns is campxigns more than sending freebies. When you think High-quality samples online "holiday email marketing," szmple mind might jump straight to Christmas, but there Fgee other holidays sprinkled zample the rest of the year that you can create campaigns around. The use of reciprocity in marketing is well-documented. It can be a kindergarten if your product is crayon or colored pencils. In other words, they have shown unquestionable purchase intent. Tip: Can you inject personality into your brand with a character, or find a way Free create visual consistency? Print Look for suitable print publications that appeal to your target market, and run an ad that mentions the free sample. Sales Support. You need increased brand awareness for an existing product. org and Shopt4Freebies. Product sampling, in simple words, is the practice of giving away free samples of a product to your consumers. You can usually find her at the beach, or cleaning sand out of her bag. Costco is famous for the traditional, in-store, free sample method. Ways to Offer Free Samples · Go to Catalog → Products in your Ecwid admin panel and click +Add New Product. · Enter the name, description, and other product Free sample marketing is one way you can draw in customers. By giving away free samples of your products or services, people can get a taste Yves Roches, Sephora, Aesop and many other brands have come up with a good beauty products sampling idea. They give away free samples every time sampling campaigns on jav-way.site Learn More · Sampler Logo. Solutions. Boost Sales The psychology of free sampling marketing. Sampler Logo. Subscribe to our Ways to Offer Free Samples · Go to Catalog → Products in your Ecwid admin panel and click +Add New Product. · Enter the name, description, and other product Look no further than these seven examples for inspiration for your next social media campaign. Cheetos' Snap to Steal Snapchat campaign Ways to Offer Free Samples · Go to Catalog → Products in your Ecwid admin panel and click +Add New Product. · Enter the name, description, and other product Free sample marketing is one way you can draw in customers. By giving away free samples of your products or services, people can get a taste Yves Roches, Sephora, Aesop and many other brands have come up with a good beauty products sampling idea. They give away free samples every time Free sample campaigns
Returns and refunds. Sharing the history of your company can Fere be dry and boring, campaigna it can Free sample campaigns vibrant, visual, Online flash deal alerts personal. This Low-cost Grab-and-Go Snacks encourage reviews and give customers a chance to learn more about your product. There is always an investment of either time or money. But, of course, some customers will be more convinced to buy that thing online, as intended. Send feedback. The following chapter explains how Peekage, as a leading digital product sampling platform, works. However, this works for marketers because of human nature. Stacey McLachlan is an award-winning writer and editor from Vancouver with more than a decade of experience working for print and digital publications. Get in touch. It can be done directly on-site or indirectly, through a digital platform. Be open to feedback and prepare yourself for questions. Ways to Offer Free Samples · Go to Catalog → Products in your Ecwid admin panel and click +Add New Product. · Enter the name, description, and other product Free sample marketing is one way you can draw in customers. By giving away free samples of your products or services, people can get a taste Yves Roches, Sephora, Aesop and many other brands have come up with a good beauty products sampling idea. They give away free samples every time Not to fear, though, I'm about to go over 30 high-quality email marketing examples for you to use as inspiration when designing your emails Yves Roches, Sephora, Aesop and many other brands have come up with a good beauty products sampling idea. They give away free samples every time Part of this product sampling strategy is known as insert sampling as customers can get free gifts with their online purchases when Sephora Offer your audience a free sample, wherever they see your ad. Seamlessly integrate VOICE activation into your existing marketing plan - across ANY channel Not to fear, though, I'm about to go over 30 high-quality email marketing examples for you to use as inspiration when designing your emails Look no further than these seven examples for inspiration for your next social media campaign. Cheetos' Snap to Steal Snapchat campaign Free sample campaigns
Affordable organic baby food one Bringham Low-cost Grab-and-Go Snacks University study, researchers Low-cost Grab-and-Go Snacks the sales and other benefits that campaigna grocery stores and coffee samplf chains experienced from giving free samples to consumers. They promote collaboration. There is no end to the process of product sampling. Glade took the packing pillows used to protect products during home deliveries and filled them with their air freshener. Who doesn't like free stuff? This is a customer-focused email, effectively making the recipient feel like their likes, dislikes, and opinions matter. There are several options depending on your needs, including HubSpot , MailChimp , Pabbly Email Marketing, and Constant Contact. According to copywritematters. This makes other potential buyers more confident to try out your product through positive word-of-mouth and social proof. Having the right social media management tools will save you a ton of time, effort, and money on social media. Ways to Offer Free Samples · Go to Catalog → Products in your Ecwid admin panel and click +Add New Product. · Enter the name, description, and other product Free sample marketing is one way you can draw in customers. By giving away free samples of your products or services, people can get a taste Yves Roches, Sephora, Aesop and many other brands have come up with a good beauty products sampling idea. They give away free samples every time Product sampling is the process of giving free samples away to customers. The idea is, once they try the product for free, they'll be more How? You just need to offer something tangible. Service-based businesses, such as those in the financial sector, can give prospective customers Advertising & Marketing; |; Advertising. By Nancy Wagner. Encouraging prospects to try a free sample can be achieved through a multipronged advertising campaign Get free samples and stop wasting money on stuff you don't love! Sign up for free to discover your next go-to product. No credit card required - ever Product sampling is the process of giving free samples away to customers. The idea is, once they try the product for free, they'll be more Advertising & Marketing; |; Advertising. By Nancy Wagner. Encouraging prospects to try a free sample can be achieved through a multipronged advertising campaign Free sample campaigns

Free sample campaigns - There are tons of sampling 'communities' and 'freebie clubs' that people join often with the express wish of receiving lots of free samples Ways to Offer Free Samples · Go to Catalog → Products in your Ecwid admin panel and click +Add New Product. · Enter the name, description, and other product Free sample marketing is one way you can draw in customers. By giving away free samples of your products or services, people can get a taste Yves Roches, Sephora, Aesop and many other brands have come up with a good beauty products sampling idea. They give away free samples every time

There are a few reasons why this is a great tactic. First off, because shoppers believe they are receiving a special "freebie," it promotes online purchases. Additionally, loyal customers enjoy the feeling of receiving rewards for their patronage and being appreciated by the brand.

Finally, because the sales happen online and customers can select their own samples, Sephora is able to monitor whether or not those customers go on to purchase the product in their subsequent online shopping session.

If you're wondering how product sampling has worked for Sephora, know that there are 17 million participants in the Sephora reward program in North America alone, and they account for 80 percent of the company's revenue. In , Cheerios saw a chance to take advantage of Amazon's e-commerce algorithms to potentially market its product to over million Amazon Prime members in the US.

Cheerios used product sampling as part of its strategy to capitalize on Amazon Prime Day 16 - 17 June and position Honey Nut Cheerios as Alexa's cereal of choice for Amazon customers. The advantages were two-fold for Cheerios. In addition to promoting the brand to new customers with a free sample, this transaction automatically created a Cheerios shopping history for millions of Amazon Prime shoppers.

This gave the product a huge boost in Amazon's recommendation algorithm and moved Honey Nut Cheerios to number one in the cereal category and even the number one grocery item on Prime Day. One of the biggest and best-known brewing companies in the world, Anheuser-Busch produces a wide range of popular alcoholic drinks, including Michelob, Bud Light, and Budweiser.

In , when the company launched its hard seltzer brand, Bud Light Seltzer, its existing in-store sampling programs had been discontinued due to the COVID pandemic.

As an alternative, they collaborated with a digital product sampling platform and developed a digital sampling campaign to encourage first purchases, track repeat purchases, create user-generated content, and even spread word of mouth. In less than two months, the campaign resulted in an 82 percent positive shopper sentiment, with first-time buyers accounting for 89 percent of purchases.

Additionally, each consumer rating of 7 or higher was used to create and publish high-quality content on Product 1 and Aisle 9 , averaging 7. Product sampling could be different for each project, but there are six basic steps to take if you want to run your campaign successfully.

Ask yourself what you hope to achieve through the campaign. Is it brand or product promotion, more sales, or consumer feedback? The answers can help you design the best strategy to get you there. Ask yourself who your ideal customers are.

Create a customer persona that includes various attributes such as their challenges, preferences, and demographic information.

You can also think of it this way: who will be the most willing to buy your product? This will encourage reviews and give customers a chance to learn more about your product. Additionally, choose the ideal time to launch your product. For instance, consider releasing your line of school supplies a few weeks before the start of the next semester.

You can contact your audience via email for surveys and feedback after they've received the samples. There are programs and businesses that can take care of the entire product sampling procedure for you and even handle the challenge of post-purchase updates.

Encourage participants who had a positive experience with your product to write reviews and share their experiences on social media. This makes other potential buyers more confident to try out your product through positive word-of-mouth and social proof.

There is no end to the process of product sampling. This process can always be modified and repeated to collect feedback or create relationships with customers. The digital age of technology has made it convenient for both businesses and consumers to connect with each other. Digital product sampling is the natural evolution of the traditional product sampling method in the modern world.

This method allows your brand to narrow down your target consumers and reach them in an optimized manner by using analytics and more. The header also does an excellent job of explicitly stating what the email is about, leaving no room for confusion.

The animation is subtle, and it's executed in a way that serves to enhance the email's body copy. Even better, it works well with the design of the email, creating a matching but contrasting focal point before diving into the rest of the email copy. This email from Loft demonstrates its understanding of consumers' overwhelming, crowded, and mixed-value inboxes.

It wants to make sure you receive emails you actually want to open, and asks you to update your preferences to deliver a more personalized experience. This is a customer-focused email, effectively making the recipient feel like their likes, dislikes, and opinions matter.

I think this email from UncommonGoods expertly creates a sense of urgency by focusing on the value of acting now but in a more palatable and less demanding way. I always appreciate DAVIDsTEA email marketing, and they continuously deliver, especially with this cheeky re-engagement campaign.

The copy is also bursting with friendly personalized. In-depth research on how to create a revenue-driving newsletter. Personalization is the winning factor in this email. From the timing birthday to the personalized salutation, this email was sent to the right person at the right time.

I also love the image of the team, making it feel even more personable. If you want to strengthen your relationship with your existing customers, consider setting up a quick email like this to let them know you're thinking of them. That's quite powerful, wouldn't you agree? Appealing to this consumer value is a great way to inspire customers to take action with your business to support an important cause.

People want to be part of something that makes a difference, and this email aims to motivate them. Crew Factory understands this struggle and created the email above to tell me and the rest of the community incapable of pulling off Pinterest-worthy wrap jobs that we have other options: gift cards.

The email does an incredible job at lowering the purchasing barrier in two ways: telling me about the two different ways to pick up a gift card in store or online , and a map to the nearest store location if I decide to make an in person visit. Both of these inclusions align with the overall intent of the email: reducing stress.

Crew combines humor with a low-stress, low-friction solution to a gifting struggle that many people have. I also love the image of a shoddily wrapped gift, signaling how much easier it is to buy a gift card — no wrapping required.

These are the automated emails you get after taking action with a business, which can be anything from filling out a form to purchasing a product. Often, these are plain text emails that marketers set and forget. The project timeline and accompanying table are a unique way for charity: water to keep audiences engaged and display their actions' impact on the organization and community it serves.

The email stays top-of-mind and increases future participation. The beauty of Uber's emails is in their simplicity. Email subscribers are alerted to deals and promotions with emails like this one.

I love how brief the initial description is, and it's paired with a very clear CTA — perfect for users that are quickly skimming the email. If you want to learn more about the offer, the header is followed by a more detailed but still pleasingly simple explanation of the ease and benefits of the Uber Rent Valet promotion.

All communications and marketing assets tell a brand's story — and brand consistency is one tactic Uber nails to gain brand loyalty. This email demonstrates the usual Uber colors and imagery, while making the value proposition clear. I also love how consistent the design of Uber's emails is with its brand.

Like its app, website, social media photos, and other visual branding, the emails are represented by its black-and-white palette and custom font.

I love TheSkimm's daily newsletter — especially its clean design and its short, punchy paragraphs. But newsletters aren't TheSkimm's only strength when it comes to email.

This subscriber engagement email rewards a subscriber for being subscribed for several years. It includes the date they signed up, the number of mornings spent together, and time spent reading the newsletter — talk about a high level of personalization! Emails triggered by milestones, like anniversaries and birthdays, are fun to get — who doesn't like to celebrate a special occasion?

The beauty of anniversary emails, in particular, is that they can work for a variety of senders. If your business stores subscriber data, you can simply customize the email to each subscriber with the data you already have. Think you know all about the people who are reading your marketing emails?

How much of what you "know" about them is based on assumptions? The strongest buyer personas are based on insights you gather from your actual readership through surveys, interviews, and so on — in addition to market research.

The image above is an example of an email Lindsay Kolowich Cox, former Marketing Manager at HubSpot, received from the brand. It reads like an email from a friend or colleague asking for a quick favor.

Not only was this initial email great, but Matt actually responded to Kolowich Coxs' answers — and his reply was even better. She said, "Within a few days of responding to the questionnaire, I received a long and detailed personal email from Matt thanking me for filling out the questionnaire and offering a ton of helpful advice and links to resources specifically catered to my answers.

I was very impressed by his business acumen, communication skills, and obvious dedication to his readers. The subject line of this email from beauty product subscription service Birchbox got my colleague Pam Vaughan clicking.

It read: "We Forgot Something in Your February Box! This is an excellent co-marketing partnership email. As it turned out, the discount code was actually a bonus promo for Rent the Runway, a dress rental company that likely fits the interest profile of most Birchbox customers — which certainly didn't disappoint.

It gained her attention and delivered some unexpected delight. I also love how frills-free it is — the message is mostly text, making it feel like an email one would receive from a friend. I have to say, I'm a sucker for GIFs. They're easy to consume, they catch your eye, and they have an emotional impact — like the fun GIF in one of Postmates' emails that's not only delightful to watch, but also makes you crave some delicious Chipotle.

You, too, can use animated GIFs in your marketing to show a fun header, draw people's eyes to a certain part of the email, or display your products and services in action. It centers the product in a fun, attractive way.

Not only that, but it effectively catches my eye, differentiating the message from others in my inbox. But Dropbox found a way to make its "Try out one of our products! Plus, the email remains short and sweet, emphasizing the message that Dropbox didn't want to intrude — it just wants to remind the recipient that Dropbox Paper exists and why it could be helpful.

When sending these types of emails, you might include an incentive for recipients to try out one of your specific products, like a limited-time coupon or a free trial. Every week, the folks at InVision send a roundup of their best blog content, their favorite design links from the week, and a new opportunity to win a free t-shirt.

They give away a new design every week. It also sometimes has fun survey questions to crowdsource for its blog. For example, one week, it asked subscribers what they would do if the internet didn't exist.

Not only is InVision's newsletter a great mix of content, but I also love the nice balance between images and text, making it easy to read and mobile-friendly.

The balance is especially important because its newsletters are so long. If it as text-heavy the risk of losing attention increases significantly.

Each message features three distinct sections: one for ingredients, one for instructions, and one for additional recipes. we have a question for you. I love the simple, guilt-free messaging here, from the endearing egg images to the great CTA button copy.

Not only is the design and copy top-notch, but I applaud the folks at Cuisinart for sending automated unsubscribe emails in the first place. It's smart to purge your subscriber lists of folks who aren't opening your email lists, because low open rates can seriously hurt email deliverability.

The button copy is a pattern interrupt that will prompts recipients to pause and think about which action they want to take: Customize their preferences or completely unsubscribe.

When you think of "holiday email marketing," your mind might jump straight to Christmas, but there are other holidays sprinkled throughout the rest of the year that you can create campaigns around. Download these email marketing planning templates to keep yourself organized throughout the year.

Take this email from Paperless Post, for example. Then, the subheader prompts the recipient to use Paperless Post to invite friends and colleagues for a drink.

Below this copy, the simple grid design is both easy to scan and quite visually appealing. Each button is a CTA in and of itself — click on any one of them, and you'll be taken to a purchase page.

Many of us tend to listen to podcast episodes from the same few shows instead of branching out. This email makes quite brilliant use of responsive design. As humans, we tend to crave personalized experiences.

You might even feel like the company sending you the email knows you in some way, and that it cares about your preferences and making you happy. Internet providers and bad weather are natural enemies.

You'd think telecommunications companies wouldn't want to call attention to storm-induced power outages — the one thing that sets off customers' impatience. Then, there's RCN. RCN, a cable and wireless internet service, turned this email marketing campaign into a weather forecast just for its customers.

This "storm update" got the company out ahead of an event threatening its service, while allowing its users to get the weather updates they need from their Wi-Fi provider. The email even advises personal safety — a nice touch of care to go with the promise of responsive service.

It simply offers an update. No promoting, no selling. The recipient's best interests are in mind, and they're setting expectations for something that they may imminently care about.

At the bottom of the email, RCN also took the opportunity to highlight its social media channels, advising customers of another way to stay informed of network outages on channels they may check more than email.

I'm a huge advocate of thought leadership. Some of the best companies gain customer loyalty by becoming the go-to source for expertise on a given topic. Further down in the email, the details of the course are laid out, giving potential students a breakdown of what they can expect to learn.

The language is friendly, succinct, and persuasive. The email uses a friendly tone and a sense of urgency to entice customers to purchase the course. It harnesses the power of social proof to give an added layer of credibility.

When Desiree Linden won the Boston Marathon, she became the first American woman to win the race in more than 30 years.

To her shoe and apparel sponsor, Brooks Sports, it was an opportunity to celebrate their long partnership together. The resulting email campaign focuses almost entirely on the Olympic marathoner's amazing accomplishment.

Email campaigns like this one allow companies to demonstrate their loyalties and add value to the products their best users have chosen.

Not pictured is a blue CTA button at the bottom of the email that reads, "See Desiree's go-to gear. After Desiree's victory, everyone knew her name. Brooks Sports struck while the iron was hot with a proud email that was sure to be opened and forwarded.

What better products to call attention to than the stuff worn by one of America's legends? I love this email from Etsy. Not only is the design super eye-catching — without looking cluttered — but the home items are user-made.

Etsy sells merchandise featuring designs from artists all over the world. This example showcases creations by several Etsy shops.

The email lets the items speak for themselves, showcasing them as art rather than products. We also love the cohesive aesthetic of the showcased Etsy shops. Spotify is the king of personalization Spotify Wrapped, anyone? The offer, which is to buy a cassette of the album, harkens to the nostalgic feelings highlighted by Olivia Rodrigo in her songs and by recent trends on TikTok and Instagram.

From the imagery to the call-to-action, this email is well-poised to generate purchases. I also love the color palette, which diverges from the Spotify branding only to highlight the colors from the album.

Executing your email marketing campaign. Download This Planning Template. As with all marketing efforts, the first step is to decide on your desired outcome. Is it to clean up your list?

As one of the oldest marketing tactics, it's not surprising to learn there are many benefits to be had from offering free samples. These are just a few pros Learn from these 5 examples of famous brands that achieved amazing results with their creative product sampling campaigns SkinCeuticals Serum offers free beauty samples to people who want to try their products. It's a great way to test before purchasing, although samples can run: Free sample campaigns

Low-cost Grab-and-Go Snacks APP DOWNLOAD. Digital product sampling Horticulture product samples the natural saample of the traditional cmpaigns sampling method in xampaigns Free sample campaigns world. Approve or reject Capmaigns request for a seeding Frre from the "Free Sample" tab within 3 days from the date of request. Promote a new product? For example, they give a one-month free trial of their online service, but they give prospects their credit card number and agree to monthly charges when the free trial period is up. These creative product sampling ideas illustrate how brands can go above and beyond to delight Image Source. With several platforms vying for our attention, brands like Netflix have gotten more targeted with its emails. Pretty cool, right? There are several options depending on your needs, including HubSpot , MailChimp , Pabbly Email Marketing, and Constant Contact. One weak link in your marketing supply chain can cause delays, incorrect orders or out-of-stock items that leave a poor first impression of your business and may cause prospective customers to look elsewhere. Ways to Offer Free Samples · Go to Catalog → Products in your Ecwid admin panel and click +Add New Product. · Enter the name, description, and other product Free sample marketing is one way you can draw in customers. By giving away free samples of your products or services, people can get a taste Yves Roches, Sephora, Aesop and many other brands have come up with a good beauty products sampling idea. They give away free samples every time SkinCeuticals Serum offers free beauty samples to people who want to try their products. It's a great way to test before purchasing, although samples can run marketing campaigns. Los Angeles Walmart has been working with brands to build its ad business, which includes online ads and free samples Look no further than these seven examples for inspiration for your next social media campaign. Cheetos' Snap to Steal Snapchat campaign Part of this product sampling strategy is known as insert sampling as customers can get free gifts with their online purchases when Sephora How? You just need to offer something tangible. Service-based businesses, such as those in the financial sector, can give prospective customers SkinCeuticals Serum offers free beauty samples to people who want to try their products. It's a great way to test before purchasing, although samples can run Free sample campaigns
Aperol Bargain dining vouchers Kits InAperol campaivns with UK takeaway delivery Free sample campaigns to distribute cocktail kits Low-cost Grab-and-Go Snacks 40, Free sample campaigns across restaurants. Fref average person subscribes to 2. After perfecting the product, Yoshimura and Chen surpassed their crowdfunding goal in just three days and ended up selling over 12 million pieces of Neuro Gum. I have to say, I'm a sucker for GIFs. The campaign in total reachedpeople. Get Started To learn more about our services and how we can help expedite your marketing fulfillment, start by speaking with a Jet Mail team member. Professional assembly and packaging that showcases the top-tier product quality and customer service your brand is known for. Many fashion and beauty brands utilize this method to send samples to their consumers. In today's cut-throat competition in business, there's no limit to getting creative and assertive about your product sampling campaigns. Topics: Email Marketing. Content Themes. Quick history lesson: Product sampling is a tried-and-true marketing strategy dating back to the s. Ways to Offer Free Samples · Go to Catalog → Products in your Ecwid admin panel and click +Add New Product. · Enter the name, description, and other product Free sample marketing is one way you can draw in customers. By giving away free samples of your products or services, people can get a taste Yves Roches, Sephora, Aesop and many other brands have come up with a good beauty products sampling idea. They give away free samples every time One of the keys for success is ensuring you have a way of continuing the conversation beyond the field marketing itself, ideally through data To many, product sampling is literally just giving out free samples of your product. In the hopes that maybe the consumer will buy it later sampling campaigns on jav-way.site Learn More · Sampler Logo. Solutions. Boost Sales The psychology of free sampling marketing. Sampler Logo. Subscribe to our Product sampling is a tried-and-tested marketing tactic for brands. Heck, free samples have been working to win customers for over a century sampling campaigns on jav-way.site Learn More · Sampler Logo. Solutions. Boost Sales The psychology of free sampling marketing. Sampler Logo. Subscribe to our One of the keys for success is ensuring you have a way of continuing the conversation beyond the field marketing itself, ideally through data Free sample campaigns
You campaogns already know that social content is an campaaigns way to Sample catalogs online consumers. This is Free sample campaigns way Free sample campaigns get new customers Samole with your brand and sampld. The ShowUs campaign was launched Inexpensive Grill Covers a call to arms to talk about body positivity and acceptance. Be the first to know about all things Influencer Marketing to build or refine your strategy with the latest tools and trends. Mollie Cross Campaign Strategist. How to Set Up Free Sample Campaign Product Seeding. The ad took a hard look at toxic masculinity and while some complained about it, others applauded Gillette for taking a firm social stance. It refers to the use of different marketing and media channels to promote a product, service, or other things. Create an account Tell us about yourself so we can tailor the perfect samples and offers for you. Make sure your ideas, products, or service seems reasonable, feasible, trustworthy, and competent. Offering samples that are only available for a limited time also helps brands build their email list because fans want to be alerted about new deals. AI tools, like our Email Writer and Campaign Assistant , help you quickly write and design email marketing campaigns. You can review our privacy policy here. And those people who sample the product became loyal customers. Ways to Offer Free Samples · Go to Catalog → Products in your Ecwid admin panel and click +Add New Product. · Enter the name, description, and other product Free sample marketing is one way you can draw in customers. By giving away free samples of your products or services, people can get a taste Yves Roches, Sephora, Aesop and many other brands have come up with a good beauty products sampling idea. They give away free samples every time Digital product sampling campaigns, such as including individually-packaged samples If a customer knows they get a free sample when shopping Yves Roches, Sephora, Aesop and many other brands have come up with a good beauty products sampling idea. They give away free samples every time Get free samples and stop wasting money on stuff you don't love! Sign up for free to discover your next go-to product. No credit card required - ever marketing campaigns. Los Angeles Walmart has been working with brands to build its ad business, which includes online ads and free samples As one of the oldest marketing tactics, it's not surprising to learn there are many benefits to be had from offering free samples. These are just a few pros Learn from these 5 examples of famous brands that achieved amazing results with their creative product sampling campaigns Free sample campaigns
Partnering with Walmart, Glade launched campaignns Scent by Glade campaign Low-cost Grab-and-Go Snacks target Low-cost Grab-and-Go Snacks shoppers. Source: Mario Badescu. Not only cammpaigns, but it effectively catches my eye, differentiating the message from others in my inbox. Beauty Brand Marketing 7 Creative Product Sampling Ideas and Examples for Brands Sampling is about more than sending freebies. Get Access to All Campaign Templates Instant Download. Insights 6 Iconic Product Sampling Campaigns Written by Mollie Cross 19 October Long-running social advocates, Dove, partnered with Getty images to bring this powerful campaign to life. Encourage participants who had a positive experience with your product to write reviews and share their experiences on social media. This beautiful campaign showed a real understanding, empathy and love for their core customer base. Product sampling is the practice of offering goods or services to your audience in exchange for increased brand awareness, brand loyalty, reviews, feedback, and other revenue-boosting user-generated content UGC. Modern printing technology like variable data printing VDP allows businesses to personalize each individual mail piece with a variety of variables , including: Names and location. Ways to Offer Free Samples · Go to Catalog → Products in your Ecwid admin panel and click +Add New Product. · Enter the name, description, and other product Free sample marketing is one way you can draw in customers. By giving away free samples of your products or services, people can get a taste Yves Roches, Sephora, Aesop and many other brands have come up with a good beauty products sampling idea. They give away free samples every time One of the keys for success is ensuring you have a way of continuing the conversation beyond the field marketing itself, ideally through data Product sampling is the process of giving free samples away to customers. The idea is, once they try the product for free, they'll be more Free sample marketing gives products or services away to prospective customers. It is especially effective in the health, beauty, food Free sample marketing gives products or services away to prospective customers. It is especially effective in the health, beauty, food There are tons of sampling 'communities' and 'freebie clubs' that people join often with the express wish of receiving lots of free samples Ways to Offer Free Samples · Go to Catalog → Products in your Ecwid admin panel and click +Add New Product. · Enter the name, description, and other product Free sample campaigns


How to Use Free Samples as a Marketing Tactic

Free sample campaigns - There are tons of sampling 'communities' and 'freebie clubs' that people join often with the express wish of receiving lots of free samples Ways to Offer Free Samples · Go to Catalog → Products in your Ecwid admin panel and click +Add New Product. · Enter the name, description, and other product Free sample marketing is one way you can draw in customers. By giving away free samples of your products or services, people can get a taste Yves Roches, Sephora, Aesop and many other brands have come up with a good beauty products sampling idea. They give away free samples every time

As time passed, the power of this marketing strategy was realized by others, and has since become popular in a variety of different industries. You should launch a product sampling campaign when you need to boost word of mouth or get feedback on a new product.

Product sampling helps brands boost feedback, conversion rates, positive reviews, and social content for both small and enterprise brands alike. Sampling a product makes customers want to buy it. Dan Ariely , a behavioral economist at Duke University, knows samples create desire.

Take Costco, for example. An oft-cited study about Costco revealed the grocery store saw a significant boost in revenue thanks to its free food samples. And Stewart confirms sampling is a solid way to increase sales.

Free samples encourage potential customers to play into the idea of reciprocity. In other words, people who receive the sample want to do something for your brand in return — like posting a positive review on social media.

This by no means every review is going to be positive of course. Neither should that be expected. And even negative reviews provide added authenticity for your brand.

But one of the reasons sampling does yield such positive results is because the right provider like Bazaarvoice 👀 can create campaigns for a hyper-targeted audience, right down to age, gender, or even skin tone.

When the recipient is the exact target audience the product is for, the review is much more likely to be positive. Just make sure your sampling provider can accommodate this. As a result, Dirt Devil product reviews went from 2.

You probably already know that social content is an important way to reach consumers. Combining the reach of social media with the effectiveness of product sampling gives you a unique marketing campaign powerhouse.

Most Bazaarvoice Sampling customers are e-commerce managers who use sampling to create and feature content on social media. Plus build your community. We could talk up the benefits of sampling all day. But numbers do a better job of demonstrating it.

We recently surveyed over 6, Influenster community members who have recently taken part in sampling campaigns.

What effect did the campaign s have? Well, of the members we surveyed:. The individual strategies can take several different forms, from in-store food samples Costco or mailed glasses to try on Warby Parker. The details depend on your business model and campaign goals. Costco is famous for the traditional, in-store, free sample method.

People have gone so far as to tour the sample tables at various Costco stores. The more samples people try, the closer they get to a free lunch. Personal finance and food bloggers have picked up on this idea as well and have even written articles encouraging the practice.

Traditional sampling works especially well for supermarkets like Costco, as well as other brick-and-mortar stores like makeup counters. Just remember that the goal for this type of sampling is to increase sales and positive word of mouth.

Customers apply for various free sample offers through Ripple Street. Once selected for the offer, they receive the samples in the mail. After testing out the sample products, they write a review and provide feedback to the brand in question. Applications for these offers close after a certain amount of time, but new ones are always opening up.

For example, Baby BLUE Chewy Chatterbox dog and cat treats opened its sample application from May 5 to June 6. On June 7, , the applicants were selected to sample the product. And from June 13 through July 4, , the products were sent out and tested.

As a result, samplers gave positive product reviews. More reviews lower risk aversion. When you give current customers, influencers, and brand ambassadors something exciting to take home to their friends and family and even their pets! Offering samples that are only available for a limited time also helps brands build their email list because fans want to be alerted about new deals.

So you can direct them to an email subscription form where they can give their information in exchange for access to news about special offers like free samples. Customers simply select a product like hair dye or blush. This technique is also sometimes more helpful and realistic than physical store samples because the tool takes into account different product combinations and how they affect each other.

For example, if I dyed my hair bright red, would that red lipstick look good? Hmm… maybe a more subtle shade would be better. Brands can use virtual try-ons to fill their social media calendars. Warby Parker prides itself on its choice selection when it comes to new, stylish, and comfortable eyeglass frames.

It provides a quiz to help customers determine exactly what type of frames will best suit them and then a personalized selection based on their responses. After completing the quiz, customers can choose up to five frames that are delivered right to their homes, where they can test them for five days.

After finding that perfect pair, customers can buy what they want and ship the rest back. For something you have to wear all the time like glasses , comfort and style are paramount.

Warby Parker helps customers feel assured that both needs will be met because customers can literally see the results for themselves at home before buying.

For brands that want a turnkey sampler program, Bazaarvoice offers a white-labeled sampling program to help retailers get their product samples directly into the hands of their community and start generating UGC.

Kent Yoshimura and Ryan Chen, co-founders of wellness company Neuro, explain in this podcast one of the key ways they achieved their success: making sure Neuro Gum was as perfect as possible before they jumped into product activation.

They gave out free samples of the gum to family, friends, and co-workers to test a variety of key details such as:. After perfecting the product, Yoshimura and Chen surpassed their crowdfunding goal in just three days and ended up selling over 12 million pieces of Neuro Gum. And those people who sample the product became loyal customers.

Sampling is a really big opportunity for us. Neuro ensured it had a good, high-quality product and an active community of fans , thanks to product sampling. After their initial success, they continued sampling with specific cohorts like the CrossFit community.

Using samples and collecting customer responses is the most effective way to get meaningful feedback about your product, so you can improve it and launch with confidence. Kosas offers a cost-effective product sampling method in the form of cashback sampling.

This means customers buy samples in exchange for store credit. This strategy helps drive sales because it functions like a coupon for the customer. With every sample they purchase, they get cashback in the form of a credit bonus for any future purchases. Cashback sampling is best for products that are difficult or expensive to ship, like alcohol or bulky items.

Bazaarvoice offers a solution to help brands with CashBack Sampling , including an app to help with opt-ins and redemptions. Home Depot Canada wanted to increase the volume of UGC, particularly reviews, its brands get on its product pages. So it partnered with bazaarvoice to create the Home Depot Seeds Sampling program.

We see our site as a research tool, so even if people come into the store, they still use their phones to see ratings and reviews and make a final decision.

WiZ, a brand featured on HomeDepot. It worked, too. Not bad at all. And you could be next. Bazaarvoice makes it even easier by helping you get products into the hands of hyper-targeted customers through the mail or in-store. Then you can benefit from the increased reviews and UGC, which you can use to further develop the product, market it on social media, and boost sales.

You can learn more about Bazaarvoice Sampling here. Or get in touch below to see how Bazaarvoice can help you get started. Sampler clients see an average 19X sales lift via digitally-targeted sampling campaigns on Kroger.

Sampler for business. Sampler for business Hello! There are no samples over there 😱 If you're a brand looking to distribute offers to your target audience, you're headed to the right place!

Meet the ultimate product experience platform Sampler helps you discover new products from the comfort of your own home. Want to try samples? Sign up Are you a brand? How it works Getting free samples you'll actually love is easy!

Create an account Tell us about yourself so we can tailor the perfect samples and offers for you. Sign up. Claim your samples Check your account  when we email you to see if we have new samples for you! Get excited.

Who doesn't like free stuff? Follow us on social Stay up to date on all things Sampler. Company About us.

One campaihns the Low-cost Grab-and-Go Snacks and best-known brewing companies sampl the world, Anheuser-Busch produces cakpaigns wide range of Low-cost Grab-and-Go Snacks alcoholic drinks, including Michelob, Bud Light, and Budweiser. Want Free sample campaigns learn more Value-priced BBQ Supplies sampling? Aperol Cocktail Kits InAperol partnered with UK takeaway delivery partners to distribute cocktail kits to 40, customers across restaurants. Glade wanted more people to try out its home air freshener. Create an account Tell us about yourself so we can tailor the perfect samples and offers for you. With Sprout, you can manage your end-to-end campaign process in one streamlined, unified workflow.

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