Steep Discounts on Fast Food

They used federal money to expand franchises from the white suburbs into low-income black neighborhoods, providing an easily-copied business model and a tested product. This is one of the several systemic reasons why many residents of urban communities in the United States have access to multiple fast food restaurants, but not necessarily a good grocery store.

The fresh food that is available is also often pricier; a estimate from the USDA found that groceries sold in food deserts can cost significantly more than groceries sold in suburban markets, meaning people in low-income communities impacted by food insecurity often pay more money for their food.

In fact, as Vox reported , research shows that the wealthier one is, the more they actually eat fast food.

These statistics both push back on the stereotype that poor people are less discriminating in their diets, as well as crystalize the difference between consuming fast food as a convenience and as a need.

That responsibility largely belongs to the United States government, who is currently fumbling the ball , especially after the election of infamous SNAP-hater Mike Johnson as the new House speaker.

More Americans than ever need affordable solutions to feed themselves and their families, and fast food is no longer the cheap way out. Ashlie D. Stevens is Salon's food editor. She is also an award-winning radio producer, editor and features writer — with a special emphasis on food, culture and subculture.

She is based in Chicago. Sticky Header Night Mode. I mean, first of all, Japan as a whole has lower cost of living than the US in term of absolute value, not percentage of income.

And from my personal experience, certain things like eating out and hotels are particularly more expensive in the US than the baseline.

their website currently lists Big Mac as yen, which isn't that different from 4. x USD price that covers majority of the US. mplewis 31 days ago root parent next [—]. dhosek 30 days ago parent prev next [—]. I remember being shocked that a nice restaurant meal in Paris was so much cheaper than it would have been in the U.

practicemaths 31 days ago parent prev next [—]. Economic theory would suggest that you price your product where it will give you the maximum amount of return or profit. So even if increasing price might lower total number of sales the total dollar amount might actually be bigger than before.

TulliusCicero 31 days ago root parent next [—]. Right, but normally this is kept somewhat in check by competitive markets. Prices rising are usually a sign that either input costs have risen in a way in which all parties have to deal with them, or the market is becoming less competitive somehow so incumbents can get away with higher prices.

chii 31 days ago root parent prev next [—]. this is where price discrimination, aka charging a different price to each customer, comes in. By finding out the maximum a customer would be willing to pay, you can get more profit than a static price for all customers.

The only thing is that another customer would not like to see themselves pay a higher price for the same good. Coupons, apps, etc, are the modern way to get around the customers seeing the "real" price others are paying.

blackoil 31 days ago root parent prev next [—]. In short term aligned with the bonus cycle of management. In long they may make loss.

astrange 30 days ago root parent next [—]. McDonald's is a franchise so you can't guess its behavior by your assumption of how McDonald's corporate management works. aidog 30 days ago parent prev next [—]. Japan has an eating out culture due to smaller living spaces. It sadly became a lot more expensive recently with salaries staying low.

McDonalds went up dramatically over 5 years. The quality also went down. Dalewyn 30 days ago parent prev next [—]. Yes, I'm serious. Even the buns are so much nicer over there, let alone the stuff between them. Having eaten SFBA and Tokyo McDonald's in the last month I like the SF one better.

In the US I usually get whichever burger has the most burger for the least bread, ask for extra vegetables, get the mango smoothie, and don't eat the fries. matteoraso 31 days ago parent prev next [—]. McDonald's prices are all over the place.

Big Macs are expensive because of the brand name, but other stuff is remarkably cheap. davidkong 30 days ago parent prev next [—]. thekevan 31 days ago parent prev next [—]. sach90 31 days ago prev next [—]. This is my site. I need to re-run a scrape and update the prices. McDonald's blocked my scraper when it went viral the first time.

foxandmouse 31 days ago parent next [—]. Would it be possible to include Canada? food inflation has been massive over the last couple years. nosecreek 31 days ago root parent next [—]. btzs 30 days ago root parent next [—]. This is great! I would love something like this for Hong Kong.

The prices here are very volatile due to special offers, etc. Any plans to add other countries? nosecreek 29 days ago root parent next [—]. If I had unlimited time I would love to. ThePowerOfFuet 30 days ago root parent prev next [—]. Agreed on the stores. ClimaxGravely 30 days ago root parent prev next [—].

Oh wow! I've been looking for something like this. Thank you. ssss11 30 days ago root parent prev next [—]. Have you had any hassles from supermarket chains? joenot 31 days ago root parent prev next [—]. I got a 10 piece McNuggets meal the other day. Wild stuff. loudandskittish 30 days ago root parent prev next [—].

Yeah, I used to stop at McDonald's on my way home from a big grocery run and stopped when I saw the fries there cost more than the giant bag of frozen fries I had just bought switch 31 days ago root parent prev next [—]. pbhjpbhj 28 days ago root parent next [—].

Seemed to me the same size box, less fries. I was there recently. AFAIK UK pricing is national? cylinder 31 days ago parent prev next [—]. Don't you have an identical site with Taco Bell prices?

sach90 31 days ago root parent next [—]. I do - taconomical. paulkrush 31 days ago root parent next [—]. spiffytech 30 days ago root parent prev next [—]. Could I interest you in listing any others you have?

Wistar 31 days ago parent prev next [—]. I admire the crispness and precision of your mapping. Zooming in tight so just three or four McD locations are on screen and then sliding a location juuuust off-screen immediately changes the price results. jrmg 31 days ago parent prev next [—]. How old is the data?

jader 30 days ago root parent next [—]. orenlindsey 31 days ago parent prev next [—]. You should publish the dataset or provide an API to get it.

I found what seems to be a dataset but it doesn't have a clear structure. ratsmack 31 days ago parent prev next [—]. Is there a way you prevent them from identifying your scraper? jonnycoder 31 days ago root parent next [—]. Yes, there is a lot written about it. ape4 31 days ago parent prev next [—].

Ah I was wondering where the info was from. Nice site. joenot 31 days ago parent prev next [—]. Well done. Any personal findings?

crazygringo 31 days ago prev next [—]. Thank you, this is amazing -- especially with so many stories about McDonald's sticker-shock recently. This actually shows where that is and isn't the case, how localized it is. It also illustrates a fundamental problem with the Economist's famous Big Mac Index [1] -- I've never understood how they choose the price of a Big Mac per-country, when it's so extremely variable locally.

Even if they tried to choose "major metropolitan city prices", Big Mac prices vary a ton even within New York City, for example. There's more variation within NYC than the Economist reports between many countries.

I've never understood it. Which again, gives me no confidence. How is McDonald's providing a single price? That's a black box. And even averaging the cost between four major cities, there's a meaningful difference between a McDonald's in Times Square vs.

in the Bronx. So how did they even used to pick a price per-city? So just thanks for this McCheapest site. Pretty awesome to have actually accurate data. tekla 31 days ago parent next [—].

If you read the article that you posted and the methodology, they document exactly how they calculate the big mac index and how they choose the price. p3rls 31 days ago parent prev next [—]. Well, NYC has wildly differing levels of affluence mostly segregated into neat neighborhoods, sometimes even along a nice north-south gradient.

The most expensive McDonalds there for instance besides airports , Westchester Ave is not affluent at all, the streetview is even covered in garbage. To an outsider shocked by the NYC garbage situation, that's what all of the street views look like :.

Detrytus 31 days ago root parent next [—]. How come? Did Google make a deal with a garbage truck company to put Street View cameras on their trucks?

No, it's a comment about how NYC until very very recently just threw their trash in plastic bags on the sidewalk.

p3rls 31 days ago root parent next [—]. Lil bit of that lil bit of residents just not caring in these neighborhoods Above ground train station in a poor neighborhood? You're going to need some very dedicated porters in those buildings next door.

I was rather shocked to see how much the prices varied just within the handful of stores within a couple miles of my home. Silly me.

avalys 31 days ago prev next [—]. I just assumed that, other than airports and other special cases like that, the prices were set nationally. whartung 30 days ago parent next [—]. Certainly not. Land, taxes, labor, etc. vary across the country, and that has an impact on local pricing.

An extreme case is the McDonalds at the South Rim of the Grand Canyon, which is a small town, obviously catering to the tourist trade. But, it's also, essentially, in the middle of nowhere. Plus, they have to truck water in, as there's no ground water or wells.

The prices of sodas and beer were about the same, and they have to pay more labor to attract folks to make the drive out to the town to work. Similarly, not McDonalds related, but there's another gas station in the middle of the desert with signs around the store to essentially tell folks "Yes, we know everything is expensive here.

We're in the middle of the desert. boguscoder 31 days ago parent prev next [—]. Ditto, this site brought me observational joy but informational shock.

lotsofpulp 30 days ago parent prev next [—]. BuildTheRobots 31 days ago parent prev next [—]. I was doubly surprised to find out that price varies by location in the UK as well seems to have been introduced in ttyprintk 31 days ago parent prev next [—].

Sebb 31 days ago root parent next [—]. I always assumed that all McDonalds are franchises, with a few exceptions for halo stores and the likes. throwaway 31 days ago root parent next [—]. McD direct owned almost all stores in Russia from what I heard, I bet they are done with that model now I worked for a corporate store in the Seattle area as a teenager.

They had a lot of them in the suburbs, but in Seattle itself it was all franchises. throwaway 31 days ago root parent prev next [—]. I thought franchisees cannot just set whatever price they feel like though? ttyprintk 30 days ago root parent next [—].

As I understand it, corporate in Chicago sets a USA maximum price. UberFly 30 days ago root parent prev next [—]. They have to be able to adjust to whatever the local landscape allows. I know in places like Seattle they tax it heavily.

seanmcdirmid 30 days ago root parent next [—]. epolanski 31 days ago root parent prev next [—]. Why wouldn't they? Franchisees have very little control over anything.

They can't change decoration, they often can't add an extra employee on a shift, they can't opt out of promotions, and they often can't set prices at all, or are allowed to change them only within a very narrow range.

They run the restaurant exactly the way corporate decides. This is standard for franchising. It's just how it works.

If you want to do things your way, you start your own independent restaurant -- you don't franchise.

Ads that quote the prices and the dollar menu give the perception of uniform pricing. I guess ads are regional, only mention one or two products, and they mention "in participating stores". I wonder how much the dollar menu varies if that's even a thing any more, it's been many years michaelt 31 days ago root parent prev next [—].

If they want to run national advertising campaigns about the price of a value meal, every store has to offer a value meal at the advertised price. I suppose they could just leave all the prices off national advertising, though. lotsofpulp 30 days ago root parent next [—].

The contract that makes so many other things be the same. orenlindsey 31 days ago prev next [—]. Also, the most expensive McDonald's is actually connected to a gas station, which might be part of the high price. It's actually one of two on opposite sides of the highway for travelers in either direction.

The westbound side is more expensive and the eastbound side is cheaper. hiAndrewQuinn 31 days ago parent next [—]. People get away with such interesting and varied culinary sins in those places.

My favorite so far has been a place that sold moose steaks shot by the owner up in Finnish Lapland for way, way more than any sane person would pay for. cylinder 31 days ago root parent next [—]. is locally known for making amazing sandwiches in a Chevron station at the corner of Lakeside and Moana.

are about the nicest convenience stores I've ever visited, and their onsite kitchens prepare pretty decent gas-station food.

Lately, they've rolled out premium pizzas in their larger locations; I had a thick-crust Detroit-style slice recently and it was absolutely restaurant quality.

are known for their food; can anyone here comment? yial 30 days ago root parent next [—]. Made fresh. metaphor 31 days ago root parent prev next [—]. The only thing that Wawa food has going for it is that it's prepared hot at any hour; the quality of the food itself is quite mediocre.

Different story for Buc-ee's, which I thought was of exceptional quality and value. gonesilent 31 days ago root parent prev next [—].

Lots of the Maverik stations now popping up along hwy 5 love them. nktrnk 30 days ago root parent prev next [—]. My absolute favorite is the Farmshop chain in the UK. yial 31 days ago root parent prev next [—].

Can you share the restaurant? I suddenly want to visit. mynameishere 31 days ago root parent next [—]. Why would you want to pay too much for moose? Go to a place with reasonable moose pricing. wahnfrieden 31 days ago root parent next [—]. They think that high price is a valuable novelty.

Visiting sounds like a potentially interesting experience. Is moose taster than reindeer? When I did a gig at Nokia HQ the first thing they told me was "Eat reindeer", and it was delicious.

m 31 days ago parent prev next [—]. The Valley Fair mall in the bay area is in both San Jose and Santa Clara, and the minimum wage is different at different locations in the mall. blamazon 31 days ago parent prev next [—].

deathanatos 31 days ago parent prev next [—]. On a toll road, so there's something like a local oligarchy of food and gas at service plazas. ourmandave 31 days ago parent prev next [—]. They get you coming, but not going.

MrFoof 31 days ago prev next [—]. linehedonist 31 days ago parent next [—]. Weirdly defensive about high hamburger prices. grecy 31 days ago prev next [—]. Fun fact illustrated by the map on this page map - it's impossible to be more than miles from a McDonalds in the lower I always take that to be proximate to electricity, a gas station, grocery store, parts store, etc.

The lower 48 is really developed. see update. s0rce 30 days ago parent next [—]. Looks like somewhere in nevada is the furthest. grecy 30 days ago root parent next [—]. phkahler 31 days ago prev next [—]. Over the last 4 years it kept creeping up, price bouncing etc.

I remember because it was a penny shy of double the old price. Then one day No idea how they set prices but it was interesting they felt "just one cent more" was important :- And yes there is also a lot of variation around the region, but the above was at a single location.

floren 31 days ago parent next [—]. The McDouble used to be a good deal for a quick bite on a road trip it's had the effect of making me stop consuming the stuff, so overall it's a win for me. earthling 31 days ago root parent next [—]. floren 31 days ago root parent next [—].

WWLink 30 days ago root parent prev next [—]. that was like 10 years ago wasn't it?! diob 31 days ago parent prev next [—]. The 2 muffins for 4 was the only time I ever went to them. I don't really understand the folks still visiting Maccas these days. DontchaKnowit 30 days ago root parent next [—].

Its the only 24 hour place ti get food including grocers within a 25 minute drive radius. Thats the only utility. Prices are robbery but theyve got you over a barrel at 3am. squeaky-clean 31 days ago prev next [—]. Love the website idea. It seems a bit slow on updates.

My local McDonald's is 40c more expensive than this website shows, and it says the last update was in February It would be neat if it tracked the delivery version of the price too.

That's not me including a delivery fee in the price, the menu prices are just higher if you select Delivery in the app. There's also a Okay everyone seems to be ignoring the fact that the Big Mac has 2 menu prices.

So I'm just going to delete the part where I list the other fees that are separate from the hidden menu price adjustment. ajross 31 days ago parent next [—].

What do you think would be a fair price for hauling a single burger 3 miles to you on demand would be? courier services have always been vastly more expensive than mere food preparation.

Seriously, get in your time machine and go check what it would cost for a law firm in Manhattan[1] c. That it's down to the same scale as the burger you crave to sate your grumbling tummy is an amazing innovation of our modern techno-whizgig society, not something to whine about in a throwaway comment on HN!

squeaky-clean 31 days ago root parent next [—]. I think you've completely missed the fact that the base menu price increases when you select delivery? Also it's not 3 miles, it's ft. The restaurant is literally 3 blocks away from me.

There's no need to be such an asshole just because you misunderstood my comment. ajross 31 days ago root parent next [—]. My sincere apologies if you were offended.

It really seemed to me and still does, honestly; maybe you want to edit and rephrase? like you were complaining about the cost of delivery. And I stand by my reply there.

It's an unreasonable complaint, delivery is outrageously cheap in the modern world, such that we can now apply it to things we'd never have had delivered even a decade ago, like a McDonalds burger. Yes I'm complaining about the fact that they sneakily change the menu prices for items when you select delivery as an option.

All the other fees are kind of expected these days. But again if you want to argue about delivery prices, delivery is far more expensive than it was a decade ago. I know firsthand, I put myself through college delivering pizza and Burger King.

No secret menu pricing changes. Even if you did understand my comment correctly, there's still no need to be an ass. mleo 31 days ago root parent next [—]. The delivery service charges a fee to the restaurant per delivery. So the restaurant can eat the commission, average it across all customers or pass it along the added cost to the delivery customer.

Yes, that's what the "delivery fee" line item is supposed to pay for. rconti 31 days ago root parent prev next [—]. But it's all part of the cost of delivery. I'm not sure anyone who points out that "delivering things costs lots of money" is missing your point.

You're merely assuming that the prices you see broken down the way they break them down is actually an honest accounting.

I assure you nobody is assuming that. Especially the person complaining about the dishonesty, that wants an easier way to track the dishonest numbers. The USA is just way too expensive labor wise for that kind of thing. Density helps, of course, and you can get pretty much food from any restaurant delivered for a reasonable fee no tip.

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Black Friday deals don't only apply to retail merchandise; many restaurants are offering steep discounts on food items Fast food isn't cheap anymore. Here's why that's both a good and bad thing. Cheap food always comes at a price. By Ashlie D. Stevens. Food For instance, Pricelisto found that menu prices at five of the biggest fast food chains – McDonald's, Burger King, Chick-Fil-A, Wendy's and Taco

Take Advantage Of Steep Discounts On Charburgers: Up To 20% Off Discounts Student Discounts Select Stores Trending Stores Fast-Food Restaurants Valentine's There are start-ups promising food delivery for just $1, and home Postmates, a fast-growing delivery company, has announced a plan to From food and restaurant coupons to clothing and health and medicine coupons (and everything in between), has savvy shoppers covered: Steep Discounts on Fast Food

pbhjpbhj 28 oh ago root Disounts next [—]. EMI Calculator Home Loan Value-for-money menu options Calculator Car Loan Fopd NPS Calculator View Less. Sterp 31 days Steepp root parent prev next [—]. As I understand it, corporate in Chicago sets a USA maximum price. Edit Restaurant menu prices continue to get more expensive An activist investor is pushing BJ's to sell itself Franchisee profitability soars for Burger King and its sister chains The owner of Boston Market has filed for bankruptcy again Why the low-income consumer may be just a McDonald's problem. Then one day It's a McMonopoly!! If you want to do things your way, you start your own independent restaurant -- you don't franchise. I thought they always had the same prices in one country. Doubt you will get persecuted but I also doubt you would publicly share your photo photos. Economic theory would suggest that you price your product where it will give you the maximum amount of return or profit. Black Friday deals don't only apply to retail merchandise; many restaurants are offering steep discounts on food items Fast food isn't cheap anymore. Here's why that's both a good and bad thing. Cheap food always comes at a price. By Ashlie D. Stevens. Food For instance, Pricelisto found that menu prices at five of the biggest fast food chains – McDonald's, Burger King, Chick-Fil-A, Wendy's and Taco With the money saved from reducing nonfood purchases, SNAP households increased their use of fast-food and quick-service restaurants, according From food and restaurant coupons to clothing and health and medicine coupons (and everything in between), has savvy shoppers covered Part of the problem: Although grocery prices are still high, they rose just % overall in , compared to dining out, which surged % From free Wendy's to Krispy Kreme: 7 of the best fast food deals this Halloween · Krispy Kreme · McDonald's · Chipotle · Dunkin' · Taco Bell · IHOP For fast-food chains, pricing and discounts are a balancing act. Quick-service concepts do need some form of low-priced offers to get Missing Steep Discounts on Fast Food
Fsat 31 days ago parent next [—]. rconti 31 days ago Discountx parent prev next [—] But it's all part of the cost of delivery. Everybody wins. The Axios article linked in another comment shows this data for selected cities. Sign in. If you don't mind my asking, which province? Sign up. marban 31 days ago prev next [—]. And one day they sell 40, one day they sell 48, and they always have a little bit of extra. This is both a good and a bad thing. zdragnar 31 days ago parent next [—]. Which is why downtown locations aren't always the most expensive. There's more variation within NYC than the Economist reports between many countries. Black Friday deals don't only apply to retail merchandise; many restaurants are offering steep discounts on food items Fast food isn't cheap anymore. Here's why that's both a good and bad thing. Cheap food always comes at a price. By Ashlie D. Stevens. Food For instance, Pricelisto found that menu prices at five of the biggest fast food chains – McDonald's, Burger King, Chick-Fil-A, Wendy's and Taco New app offers steep discounts on leftover food at stores and restaurants. Too Good to Go was designed to cut down on food waste. By. Dennis “In the current environment, deep discounts, ranging from 30% to 70%, are being deployed days of the year on delivery platforms. This McD has the most generous coupons in their apps among fast food chain and there is basically no limit Black Friday deals don't only apply to retail merchandise; many restaurants are offering steep discounts on food items Fast food isn't cheap anymore. Here's why that's both a good and bad thing. Cheap food always comes at a price. By Ashlie D. Stevens. Food For instance, Pricelisto found that menu prices at five of the biggest fast food chains – McDonald's, Burger King, Chick-Fil-A, Wendy's and Taco Steep Discounts on Fast Food
wkat Foood days ago Dsicounts parent prev next [—]. Free carpet cleaner samples 31 days ago parent prev next [—]. Customers willing to Fsat their privacy for the lower prices Steep Discounts on Fast Food the app to order, while people unwilling to sell their privacy are subject to 'privacy tax'. It really seemed to me and still does, honestly; maybe you want to edit and rephrase? Restaurant Rewind. So I'm just going to delete the part where I list the other fees that are separate from the hidden menu price adjustment. PHOTOS AACRC crowns Kuamka King and Queen. rconti 31 days ago root parent next [—] No, it's a comment about how NYC until very very recently just threw their trash in plastic bags on the sidewalk. WWLink 31 days ago root parent next [—] It does actually. Maureen joined SeniorLiving. TNR Newsletter. Black Friday deals don't only apply to retail merchandise; many restaurants are offering steep discounts on food items Fast food isn't cheap anymore. Here's why that's both a good and bad thing. Cheap food always comes at a price. By Ashlie D. Stevens. Food For instance, Pricelisto found that menu prices at five of the biggest fast food chains – McDonald's, Burger King, Chick-Fil-A, Wendy's and Taco Fast food isn't cheap anymore. Here's why that's both a good and bad thing. Cheap food always comes at a price. By Ashlie D. Stevens. Food From food and restaurant coupons to clothing and health and medicine coupons (and everything in between), has savvy shoppers covered Fast food isn't as cheap as it used to be. In fact, prices at quick-service restaurants have been looking more like those we're used to McD has the most generous coupons in their apps among fast food chain and there is basically no limit With the money saved from reducing nonfood purchases, SNAP households increased their use of fast-food and quick-service restaurants, according "There's a way for them to get food that is still perfectly great to eat, still delicious, but they're getting it at a discount on our app." Steep Discounts on Fast Food

Steep Discounts on Fast Food - Missing Black Friday deals don't only apply to retail merchandise; many restaurants are offering steep discounts on food items Fast food isn't cheap anymore. Here's why that's both a good and bad thing. Cheap food always comes at a price. By Ashlie D. Stevens. Food For instance, Pricelisto found that menu prices at five of the biggest fast food chains – McDonald's, Burger King, Chick-Fil-A, Wendy's and Taco

Some of the nation's biggest fast food chains are looking to entice customers during the spooky holiday with giveaways and deals. Whether you're looking to score a free breakfast or want to get a good deal come lunchtime, there's plenty to take advantage of. These are the best fast food deals this Halloween from chains like Krispy Kreme, Chipotle and Wendy's.

The donut chain, which recently gave out free coffee to celebrate National Coffee Day, is continuing its giveaway streak.

Customers who show up to its stores in costume will be given a free donut. McDonald's recently brought back its iconic Boo Buckets. The plastic buckets replace the traditional Happy Meal packaging and come free with any purchase of the classic kids' combo meal.

The fast casual chain is offering a steep discount on its burritos and bowls to members of its rewards program. The chain recently introduced the seasonal "Spider Donut," a donut with orange frosting and a Munchkin placed in its center designed to look like a spider.

Though not technically a Halloween deal, Taco Bell is giving out its new toasted breakfast taco for free on Tuesday, October 31 for members of its rewards program. Manage followed notifications. Close Followed notifications.

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AP Top Stories February 12 P. Wreck of ship that sank in found in Lake Superior. Two Israeli hostages freed as dozens in Gaza killed during IDF operation, AP explains. A1 Minute! February 12, New wine store opens in competitive downtown market.

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Steep Discounts on Fast Food Max Holleran wrote Steep Discounts on Fast Food The New Discouunts :. Dsicounts 30 days ago root parent Discojnts next [—]. So I'm just going to delete the part where I list the other Affordable food package prices that are separate from the hidden menu price adjustment. From retail and grocery to insurance and health care, there are all types of senior discounts to claim. thrdbndndn 31 days ago root parent next [—] That's their entire point. Military veterans must first enroll online ; valid photo ID required at checkout. sib 29 days ago root parent next [—] That I don't know!


Which $5 Fast Food Combo is ACTUALLY the Best Deal? Are fast-food chains in a discount trap?

By Douhn

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