Sample Wellness Events

Understanding your environmental responsibility and creating healthy and sustainable living surroundings comes under environmental wellness. It includes making sound eco-friendly choices and maintaining a space that relieves stress and keeps you happy, safe, and motivated.

Poor finances are often a cause of stress. Financial wellness ensures wise money management to make informed financial decisions. Having control over your regular expenses and setting practical financial goals can help with stress reduction.

We spend a better portion of our lives working, so it should be well-spent. Occupational wellness is about finding meaning, purpose, and overall job satisfaction in your work. It includes maintaining work life balance so that it may relieve stress in your work life.

Employee wellness programs are structured wellness initiatives designed by a company to promote holistic wellness and healthier lifestyles in employees. Imagine a bunch of thoughtful and personalized health benefits that can promote various dimensions of wellness.

They may include employee activities , guided support programs, health screenings , massage therapy, an on-site fitness center, and more. Employee wellness programs are increasingly becoming an integral part of a company culture. Here are the benefits a well-planned corporate wellness program can offer:.

You must have noticed young companies and startups are embracing the new work culture and allowing their employees flexible working hours. Moreover, employees today are far more concerned about work-life balance than the older generations.

Flexible working arrangements may also include remote working or a hybrid work model. It allows employees to focus on their priorities while managing their work commitments. So, be it picking kids from school, taking care of a baby, offering care to an aged member, or attending to personal chores, employees get to design their work hours and enjoy the work-life balance.

On-site fitness centers are one of the best examples of employee wellness programs for large-sized companies. Most companies offer gym memberships. Moreover, employees likely to take advantage of it may already have a membership in physical activity.

Therefore, if you have the budget, space, and capacity, install an on-site fitness center at your office. Moreover, this wellness program allows employees to work out in groups with their team members, which can enhance social bonding and camaraderie.

You can introduce yoga classes as a savior to promote both the mental and physical health of your employees. Yoga classes are a brilliant option for industries where stress and tension run high. The breathing techniques can help employees relieve stress and refocus on their work.

Some companies also club yoga classes with massage therapy to help employees relax. Usually, employees have to sit at their desks for long hours, which can cause workplace-related musculoskeletal issues.

Regular yoga classes can enhance flexibility, help with treating posture issues, and relieve stress and tension in the body.

Smoking cessation programs are almost a need rather than an option. About adults smoke cigarettes. The good part is that almost half of this number wish to quit this deeply ingrained habit.

This corporate wellness program is a win-win for both employees and employers as employees who smoke or use tobacco products cost more to the company than non-smokers in terms of health expenses.

Moreover, smoke breaks are infamous for adding up to a significant amount of lost work time over long periods. Therefore, offering healthy food at the workplace can contribute significantly to employee well-being. You see, employees love food perks. However, most companies offer salty chips and soda cans as evening snacks, which are unhealthy food options.

If you want to promote healthy habits, stock your cafeteria with healthy snacks with whole grains, healthy fats, and protein. You can also urge everyone to bring a healthy homemade lunch to incorporate healthy eating habits.

Not knowing how to make the most of what you earn can add to financial stress. You can provide financial education to your employees and help them attain financial well-being.

Instead, go a step beyond by hiring a financial counselor who can help them learn about budgeting, investing, saving, and retirement planning. They have to manage their personal lives while tending to heavy workloads, long hours, and tight deadlines.

High-pressure work environments can cause workplace stress and take a toll on employee morale and employee productivity. Mental health counseling or therapy assistance is a critical part of employee wellness programs.

Ensure you collaborate with licensed mental health professionals who can guarantee confidentiality and trust to your employees.

You can also host workshops or training sessions to promote mental health awareness in your workplace. A healthier and stress-free mind boosts the quality of employees lives and enhances their work performance. And with tight schedules, employees tend to drop it to the last of their priorities.

To ensure your employees stay healthy and contribute as little to healthcare costs, you need to incorporate wellness in a fun way. You can pick wellness challenges based on your company culture and employee preferences. Step challenge is one of the most popular fitness challenges where employees have to achieve a specific goal of daily steps.

Other wellness challenges can include weight loss challenges or team challenges like sports events. Such wellness challenges promote employee participation and foster a sense of community.

You can also introduce the concept of rewards once employees complete a certain milestone to make it more engaging.

Healthy employees are an asset to a company. And an employee wellness program is like a compass that supports your employees to perform efficiently.

When your employees stay healthy, you can expect superior work performance, more profits, and a reduction in health care costs. When your talent gets to know their company cares about employee health and employee wellbeing, they feel like a valued member of the team.

Adapt them to your needs, timing, and budget. Health and wellness is a top concern of a lot of employers out there and many are embracing health and wellness events, activities, and benefits in order to be more appealing to potential employees.

You can set the tone by organizing your own events and activities at the chamber or providing community members with some helpful information on how to make the most of their own wellness events. You likely have members who work in a wellness field who may be eager to share their knowledge with the community.

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Host a Session on How to Create a Health and Wellness Program for Businesses Kicking Sugar or Eating More Whole Foods Host a Health or Exercise Challenge


Employee Wellness Programs - An Intro

Sample Wellness Events - Productivity Audit Host a Session on How to Create a Health and Wellness Program for Businesses Kicking Sugar or Eating More Whole Foods Host a Health or Exercise Challenge

It can also be a place where you make suggestions and share ideas that can help improve the company or the quality of life for its employees. This is a special type of campaign which helps employees identify their financial goals and gives them access to tools and resources that help them manage their money more responsibly.

After all, the financial health of an employee is just as important as their physical and mental health. Have HR interview each employee in order to make them aware of this financial fitness service.

If an employee is interested, then they can pursue it further. One of the best financial fitness books out there is The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey. Corporate campaigns are a great way to notify employees about a topic that is important for them to know about.

Some examples of these campaigns include healthy lifestyle campaigns, financial fitness campaigns, and safety campaigns. However, your company should have a custom wellness campaign on any one of these important topics as it pertains to your work environment.

For example, if you own a construction company and you want to develop a custom campaign on safety, the campaign can teach or remind people how to be safe while working on a building.

After all, workplace accidents and injuries are fairly common in many job industries. Save your company from having to pay short term or long term disability payments to your employee by having a custom safety campaign that educates them in how to avoid these accidents.

A lot of employees may have health insurance that is provided through the full-time job they have with your company. Insurance companies offer this hotline as a way to help their clients make the right choice for getting treatment. This costs insurance companies a lot of money, so they want to avoid this happening as much as possible.

They do this by having these hour nurse hotlines available to help calm the person down and give them suggestions on how they can get the best help for their problem.

Make sure all your employees are aware of the nurse hotline number that corresponds with the insurance company that your organization uses. You could try using posters, flyers, a blurb in the company newsletter, or even an onsite employee wellness event with your insurance.

If employees are aware of the nurse hotline, they can get help quickly for their health issue without having to miss much work. But it is important that you get them to think about their health before it becomes neglected for too long.

The best way to do this is by designing and issuing customized assessments or surveys to all the employees within your organization. Use surveys to ask employees their opinions on how to improve your worksite wellness program. Ask for their honest feedback or use surveys to measure and track employee morale and job satisfaction.

When they submit the survey, you will be able to get an overall sense of how happy and healthy your employees truly are. Then, you will know which areas to improve in the workplace so you can make more of your employees happy.

Health events happen in virtually every town and city in the United States and make great solutions for corporate wellness ideas. Make sure all your employees know about these local health events.

They could be events or healthy workplace initiatives for nutrition, fitness, marathon running, 5K competitions, and so on. Anything that helps get your employees active in their nutrition and health is something you should market to them. The more you advertise these events, the more it will get your employees involved in community events.

Newsletters are one of the most effective ways of providing wellness content to your employees. Create a permanent section in the newsletter that is solely devoted to wellness content and activities. This could be content about anything health-related, such as nutrition, running, walking, healthy recipes, and so on.

The great thing about written wellness content like this is that employees are more likely to look at it. Just keep copies of the newsletter in the break room as well as the work area so it is readily available for them to pick up and read. If something in the newsletter appeals to them, they can just take the newsletter home and follow the corporate wellness ideas advice from there.

If they happen to know the person who was successful, that is even better. Employee success stories should be shared throughout the organization because it will help motivate other employees to work hard toward achieving the same kind of success that their coworker did.

These success stories could relate to weight loss, corporate promotions, weightlifting, sporting event wins, or other wellness activities that promote something successful that an employee did which pertains to their health and wellbeing.

Collect as many of these success stories as you can from your employees who can actually prove their success. If they went through a physical transformation, get them to submit a before and after photograph so the results can be seen clearly.

Publish these success stories in the company newsletter, website or as an advertisement on the bulletin board in the break room. A big part of every effective employee wellness program is motivation. Competition can often motivate employees to go the extra mile when it comes to their health and wellness.

That is why you should create a challenge for your employees each month in an area of wellness that they can work toward. Perhaps you could create a challenge to see who can lose the most weight in a month, or even six months.

Just make it something that a lot of employees can participate in and have it relate to wellness in some way. Do this for every employee each time they win a competition. As more pictures get added to the Wall of Fame, more employees will be encouraged to try harder so they can get their name and picture on the Wall of Fame, too.

In order to be fair about these kind of corporate wellness ideas and activities, give informational materials about the challenges to all the employees in the company.

These materials can be separate from the usual memo or newsletter. All employees want to represent their company in some way that makes them proud. A lot of companies create recreational sporting teams in which their employees have the option to participate.

These corporate recreational teams may end up playing the teams of other companies within your area. Although these may not be professional sporting events, companies like to do this to advertise themselves and to simply add a little fun into the lives of their employees.

The sports you choose for your employees to play are up to you. However, if you plan on playing the teams of other companies, then you need to choose a sport that is commonly played by everyone. The most popular corporate sport is baseball, so you might want to consider forming an employee baseball team.

You can start off by dividing your employees into separate teams and then have them play against each other until there is one winning team. Overall, it will give your employees physical exercise while they get support from others. The best way to fight cancer is to treat it as early as possible.

That is why all employees within an organization need to be encouraged to get a cancer screening done on themselves. A cancer screening will be able to detect whether or not you have cancer before the symptoms even start. This includes colon cancer, lung cancer, cervical cancer, and breast cancer.

By promoting cancer screenings as wellness activities within your organization, employees can learn the truth about their internal health and put any worries to rest that they may have about having cancer. But if they do end up having cancer, then they can get the proper treatment early on before the cancer spreads throughout their body and becomes inoperable.

If your company has an Employee Assistance Program, then make sure your employees know about it. They could be stressed from having family problems, psychological disorders, grief, substance abuse problems, alcohol problems or any other problem that affects their mental state.

When employees are affected in this way, it affects the performance of their work at the company. That is why it is crucial that one of your corporate wellness ideas is to market the EAP services of your company so that employees who are having psychological issues can get the help they need right away.

At the same time, you will be increasing the productivity of your company because those employees will be getting the help they need to become happier and better workers. A company that truly cares about the physical wellbeing of their employees is one that makes onsite fitness classes available to them.

The problem is that most people who have never had experience with exercise and fitness are very hesitant to attempt it. By having fitness classes available at the workplace, employees can quickly get experienced at how to exercise properly. These corporate wellness ideas for activities will build their level of knowledge and confidence towards fitness so they can get healthier and more in shape.

It allows employees to focus on their priorities while managing their work commitments. So, be it picking kids from school, taking care of a baby, offering care to an aged member, or attending to personal chores, employees get to design their work hours and enjoy the work-life balance.

On-site fitness centers are one of the best examples of employee wellness programs for large-sized companies. Most companies offer gym memberships. Moreover, employees likely to take advantage of it may already have a membership in physical activity.

Therefore, if you have the budget, space, and capacity, install an on-site fitness center at your office. Moreover, this wellness program allows employees to work out in groups with their team members, which can enhance social bonding and camaraderie. You can introduce yoga classes as a savior to promote both the mental and physical health of your employees.

Yoga classes are a brilliant option for industries where stress and tension run high. The breathing techniques can help employees relieve stress and refocus on their work.

Some companies also club yoga classes with massage therapy to help employees relax. Usually, employees have to sit at their desks for long hours, which can cause workplace-related musculoskeletal issues.

Regular yoga classes can enhance flexibility, help with treating posture issues, and relieve stress and tension in the body. Smoking cessation programs are almost a need rather than an option. About adults smoke cigarettes. The good part is that almost half of this number wish to quit this deeply ingrained habit.

This corporate wellness program is a win-win for both employees and employers as employees who smoke or use tobacco products cost more to the company than non-smokers in terms of health expenses.

Moreover, smoke breaks are infamous for adding up to a significant amount of lost work time over long periods. Therefore, offering healthy food at the workplace can contribute significantly to employee well-being.

You see, employees love food perks. However, most companies offer salty chips and soda cans as evening snacks, which are unhealthy food options.

If you want to promote healthy habits, stock your cafeteria with healthy snacks with whole grains, healthy fats, and protein. You can also urge everyone to bring a healthy homemade lunch to incorporate healthy eating habits.

Not knowing how to make the most of what you earn can add to financial stress. You can provide financial education to your employees and help them attain financial well-being. Instead, go a step beyond by hiring a financial counselor who can help them learn about budgeting, investing, saving, and retirement planning.

They have to manage their personal lives while tending to heavy workloads, long hours, and tight deadlines. High-pressure work environments can cause workplace stress and take a toll on employee morale and employee productivity.

Mental health counseling or therapy assistance is a critical part of employee wellness programs. Ensure you collaborate with licensed mental health professionals who can guarantee confidentiality and trust to your employees. You can also host workshops or training sessions to promote mental health awareness in your workplace.

A healthier and stress-free mind boosts the quality of employees lives and enhances their work performance. And with tight schedules, employees tend to drop it to the last of their priorities.

To ensure your employees stay healthy and contribute as little to healthcare costs, you need to incorporate wellness in a fun way. You can pick wellness challenges based on your company culture and employee preferences.

Step challenge is one of the most popular fitness challenges where employees have to achieve a specific goal of daily steps. Other wellness challenges can include weight loss challenges or team challenges like sports events.

Such wellness challenges promote employee participation and foster a sense of community. You can also introduce the concept of rewards once employees complete a certain milestone to make it more engaging.

Healthy employees are an asset to a company. And an employee wellness program is like a compass that supports your employees to perform efficiently. When your employees stay healthy, you can expect superior work performance, more profits, and a reduction in health care costs. When your talent gets to know their company cares about employee health and employee wellbeing, they feel like a valued member of the team.

This feeling is likely to reflect in their job satisfaction and enhance their work efficiency. So, if you want to implement a well-planned and tailored employee wellness program, reach out to our wellness benefits experts. We are a trusted choice in the employee wellness industry to create personalized and detail-oriented employee wellness programs.

Subscribe to our bi-weekly Tuesday newsletter for the latest wellness program tips, insights, and stories. Take Nike, and its workplace wellness program, for instance. A Comprehensive Guide on Corporate Wellness and Examples of Wellness Programs According to a report by the U.

In this blog, we will take a look at examples of effective wellness programs and their benefits. What is Wellness? The 8 Dimensions of Wellness What is an Employee Wellness Program? What are the Benefits of Wellness Programs? The 8 Dimensions of Wellness 1. Physical Wellness Physical wellness is all about taking care of your body and physical health.

Intellectual Wellness Intellectual wellness is all about recognizing your intellect and strengths while finding ways to promote personal development. Social Wellness Forming and maintaining a supportive network and maintaining healthy relationships come under social wellness.

Environmental Wellness Understanding your environmental responsibility and creating healthy and sustainable living surroundings comes under environmental wellness. Financial Wellness Poor finances are often a cause of stress.

8 Examples of Wellness Programs Employees Will Love Evrnts outside, socialize Wellnness each other, and enjoy some Sample Wellness Events air! Discounted food combo deals should never be wasted, and many office workers Sample Wellness Events lengthy group meetings unhelpful. Anything that helps get Free trials of hair products employees Wellnexs in Free trials of hair products nutrition and aSmple is something you should Online giveaway campaigns to them. Assessing these ergonomics of your employees Samppe not only good for the company, but it improves the engagement of the employee as well. Why is workplace wellness important? The first team member has to get the first bean bag and run back before the second can get the second furthest-away bean bag, and so on Football slalom Hockey slalom Pass-the-orange-under-the-chin relay race - stand in a line and the final person runs to the end with the orange and starts again, until all team members are back in their original order Pass-the-balloon-between-the-knees relay race — the same as the orange game above Space hopper relay Hula hoop race Tug of war Penalty shoot out Most keep-y uppies in a row or ball bounces on a racket Plus, any more you can think of!

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